Vagabond... By Marcus Monroe: Update from Dogs at the Supermarket

Imagine if you will…
You’ve woken up from death; as you lay in a cramped alleyway, you see a vagabond crouching next to a large cardboard box motioning his hand for you to come close. As your awareness settles in you can also hear the bass and treble tones coming from behind a golden painted door. Your awareness heightens as you recognize that the tune emanating from beyond the golden door is your favorite song echoing from this illustrious and elaborate place. As you press your ear close to the cold twenty-four golden karat painted frame you begin to realize that this mysterious golden door must be a club spot; as you can faintly hear a vast crowd of people cheering and carrying on from within.

From the corner of your eye, the vagabond person has moved closer to you and places their sullied hand upon your shoulder. You jump and turn; not out of fright, yet your body reacts to how refreshing their kind touch feels. The vagabond looks intensely into your eyes and smiles while saying in a soothing voice, “Dearest child, you have no need to venture through that vile door. All you’ve ever lived for is here if you would just follow me.” Then the vagabond points seriously towards the giant cardboard box.

As your footstep follow the vagabond slowly and steadily, your eyes glance back upon the golden door. You hear the sweet serenade of music and pleasure. You look out to the vagabonds wretched and tattered frame as you contemplate the matter of things, ‘How did I arrive here, what club is beyond that golden door. Where am I following this person to?’ As emotions continue to build up it becomes instinctive as you mumble to the vagabond, “Where am I following you to?”
With the same soothing voice and mysterious smile, the vagabond answers with sincerity, “Heaven, my dear child...” As the vagabond’s filthy and worn glove points once more to the large cardboard box.
Your eyes begin to gape wide open as self-realization has been painted among your immature thoughts.  You want to question the kind vagabond, yet they openly answer before you even form the breath to speak as they humbly reply, “Yes, dear child beyond that golden door was hell; for the un-holy one is so quick to temp every soul who wander throughout purgatory. Yet, the truth has been made clear, for the choice is yours my dearest child. Decide your fate...”
This short story was written to the background music of
(“Tekken Tag Tournament – Ending Music OST”)
This short story was also inspired by
(“Mac Miller featuring Kendrick Lamar – Fight the feeling”)

Personal Note and Moral’s to Mention
“So many of us tend to get caught around the facades of life...
That so many things and situations must live to a certain standard of degree.”

There are many definitions of success, or being successful to some and a clear majority, success equals to being wealthy, or positioned with power and further unmentioned etc...

My definition of success is rather the opposite.

My definition of success is:
“Being able to breath, being in the right state of mind, and most importantly, being able to praise Jesus.”

To others it’s quote on quote just living; yet to me
I’m successful everyday Jesus allows me life and the opportunity to praise him.
So, the moral of this short tale is, never expect or assume anything, yet be gracious and always be willing to understand…

Stay blessed my dear friends.

Written by Author
O.A.B. representative

Marcus G. Monroe


  1. Authoress M. Rose, I pray that the Lord our heavenly Father blesses you and your family.

    I thank you for your kindness and friendship on my literary journey. I'm certain that the future holds great things for us both. Again I thank you for sharing this story. Stay blessed my friend.

    Author, Marcus G. Monroe


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