Big Britches

Just because I feel the need to vent: I'm sitting here reading all this "news" and I began wondering when did the United States of America become to big for its britches? It is clear that we have our nose in every other country's business, but why? Why should we have a say so in what this country is doing or that county isn't doing? We have so many problems in our own country, but yet our government is more concerned about the problems of the rest of the world. Why doesn't the United States take a few steps back and look at our own problems and let the United Nations take care of the rest of the world. I mean that is what they were created for is it not? Why does the United States feel that they can just control the rest of the world? Who gave them this control? Why is it that the President thinks that he can control the world? I am so tired of this person from this country threatening this other person from this other country. I think instead of taking thousands of country men and killing them in a war with this other country because one man said something about another man, we take both of these men stick them in a room together and they either talk through their differences or they kill each other. Either way it save the people of this country. And their differences will be solved. I know I am qualified and all up to date on all my facts but I am just tired of reading that this country said this about the US and we are going to do this if they do that while people are sitting here killing each other and we have no decent health coverage for people and we are at war with ourselves. We cannot fight a wold war and have a civil war at the same time. Our country has got to get its shit together before worrying about the living conditions of other countries. Yes I feel bad for those people living in those countries ruled by a dictator, but I also feel bad for those people who are struggling just to live here. We have some serious economic problems as well as health coverage and honestly I could go on and on about our problems here. I think that our biggest problem though is the government needs to get its head out of its ass.


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