Chapter 1

This is some of the first chapter of Approaching Fate that I have written... looking for some feedback. I'm about ready to scrap it and start over... What are your thoughts?

Chapter 1

            My thoughts tore me away from his arms as though they were thieves stealing everything that I was. They pulled at me until I couldn’t remember the truth of anything anymore. I was lost inside the moment of what felt like death luring me away from his embrace. I fought hard against the nightmares within my mind, but they wrapped themselves around the happiness in my life. Suddenly I felt the world cease around me. Everything I knew was lost, including me.
            I felt his hands as he lifted my face towards him, but the tears were hard to fight away. His voice came like a sting to my heart for the same unknown reasons that I sobbed. These feelings were so hard to fight, but it felt like an abyss had just opened inside my soul. Matt pulled me into his chest allowing the beat of his heart usher in a sense of peace.
            “Ash,” Matt wrapped his arms around me, “Are you alright?”
            I closed my eyes forcing out the pain and nodded. Slowly I shook the sudden feeling of emanate death looming through my core.  “Déjà vu, I guess.”
            I wrapped my arms around Matt and continued through the dance without any more nasty thoughts capturing me away from the moment. When the music ended I found myself staring into the most gorgeous eyes that I have ever seen. Deep chocolate poured into everything that I was leaving me in complete contentment.
            In just a fleeting moment it felt as though I had just watched the rest of my life flash before my eyes. It was but just a moment and it left just as quickly as it came, but the feeling it left burnt my soul. I would never forget such a pain as the one that just struck me. Hoping to completely rid myself of all the agony I pulled down Matt allowing our lips to greet each other.
            As we parted my dad’s words were there once more. This was the last dance I would ever have with Matt. Just as quickly as the song ended another started filling the silence of the gymnasium. I pulled Matt closer for fear that whatever had taken me just a second ago would take him away. Fear of the future without him was most likely the sudden reason for my agonizing thoughts. I wanted nothing more in that moment than to just hold him close, but the song was not for us to hold each other close.
Releasing myself from him we walked together towards the windows away from the crowd. I allowed Matt to lead the way as I searched in the crowd for Kate and Josh. That’s when I saw him watching us. His eyes followed us crossing the floor and once our eyes met, I knew nothing would ever be the same. There was something so familiar about him, but I knew that I had never look upon him before.
He was leaning casually against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. His attire was as though he was a teacher, except I was sure that I had never seen him before in this school. The cuffs on his white dress shirt were undone as well as the buttons at the collar. As I looked him over once more I noticed that he couldn’t have been more than a year or two older than me. What really caught me off guard was the fact that his hair was the same exact white at the shirt that he was wearing. It was longer and tucked behind his ears, leaving a stern look staring at me. I was sure when our eyes met again that he was not looking at me, but reading me. At least he was trying to it seemed.
I pulled against Matt’s hand trying to free myself because at this moment I wanted nothing more than to go over to this man who had been staring at me. Matt tugged back on me causing my stare to fall to the floor and once I looked back up he was gone. My heart sunk a little as I searched the crowd and he was nowhere to be found.
“Ashley,” Matt called out above the music as I continued to search into the group of people, “Ashley, what’s going on?”
“I don’t know.” I finally turned my attention back to Matt, “Can we go?”
Matt nodded, “Let me find Kate and Josh. I’ll be right back.”
Just as Matt left and headed back into the crowd I could feel him staring at me again. The gnawing sense tore at me as I looked around once again still unable to find him. I closed my eyes to gain some strength within myself to understand exactly what was going on with me. The past couple of minutes were eating at me. Everything just did not fit into my normal life.

As my eyes shut I saw them once more. Green emeralds were diving into me, calling for me to answer. Quickly out of fear and panic I reached for the closest thing to me which happened to be the window ledge. Once I opened my eyes I saw a flash down in the parking lot not far from where Matt had parked. The sparkling light faded out leaving the man standing there. This time he was dressed different and his hair fell freely in front of his face.


  1. Intriguing first chapter, I wouldn't scrap it. It's quite good actually, if anything I'd recommend adding some clarifications. Examples: Was the music slow waltz, classical, r&b.... What was the quote that Ashley's father said to her that last time. I believe adding those clarifying pieces would be the icing to this cake.

    Hopefully it helps.


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