
I was thinking earlier today, really hard thinking actually. My mom had ordered my book and left it with me for a couple days so that I could write her a personalized message and sign it for her. I had a hard time figuring out what exactly to write. I wanted to write Thank you for everything. That is when I realized what that truly meant, and I believe that is what I really wrote. It got me to thinking about what everything meant. It includes believing in me, saving me, giving me life, etc. Everything always seemed to me just a way to summarize, but then I realized in one brief moment what it meant. We always use this word everything, for everything, but I wanted every person out there to actually take a moment to really think about the word everything. We have always used it, but have we actually sat down and realized what it meant. When someone says 'You mean everything to me' or 'Thank you for everything' do they take into consideration what everything is. Everything could just mean a couple of things for one person, but to truly understand Everything, to truly use the word Everything and mean it. This woman, my mother has truly given me everything in this world. I owe everything that I am to this woman. I would not be writing this write now if it was not for her. I would not have everything I have right now if it wasn't for her.
So just sit for a moment think about someone that you owe everything to and go tell them. Tell them thank you, tell them that you love them, tell this person what everything means to you and what they mean to you. Next time, every time, you say the word everything, think about the true meaning of it and wonder if you really mean it or if you should just specify instead of generalizing.
There is the thought for the day. Go out and enjoy everything that this world has to offer you. Live your life to the fullest today and lend a helping hand to those who need it.


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