Help Those Who Need It

First off I would like to apologize to all my loyal readers that I did not get anything posted over the weekend. It was a busy one and I didn't get much time to actually sit down. However I do have several new topics to write about. One is the relationship between music and emotions, another is the melting pot of the USA, plus many more. Just keep a look out for them. 

What I would like to talk about today is family related. This weekend I helped out my family as much as I could. I watched as my family came together to help my Grandmother and Pap Pap. I took a moment to stand back and look over what was being done. Not everyone in the family showed up, but just enough to make me realize that my mother had raised me right. It wasn't just that though, not only had my mother done a great job in teaching me that family comes first and help those who need you, but my Grandmother instilled the same lesson upon her children. They had done such a great job raising their own children that it was remarkable how everyone without looking for reward just planned and worked hard to help those in need. I hoped to pass this great trait onto my children, and as I watched them work hard I knew that they were learning. I love my family and they come first, that is what my mother taught me throughout the years. Blood doesn't matter, family is family and you love them above all else. 

So take a moment and look at those you love, your family and ask yourself: Can I help them in anyway? Not to prove your love, but just because they could use the extra help. Go out and help those who need it, not only will it help them, but the best reward is just the feeling knowing that you did something good. 


  1. Good one... It's so bad that we forget the ones who raised us in the humdrum of our work


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