Life today vs then and tomorrow

Just a random thought as a past meme plagues my mind with its insignificant gesture of how much the world has changed. It said something about at one point only the rich had cars while the poor had horses and now only the rich had horses and the poor drive cars. It got me thinking about how times have really changed since the time that cars became more common. 
We take it for granted being able to jump in our vehicles and just go. Go here, go there, go almost anywhere because of the ability of our vehicles. There are those who travel an hour or more everyday in their vehicles. Take their car away and they wouldn't have a job. A lot of people would not be able to have the jobs they currently hold without a vehicle to get them there. Then there are people like me who literally rely on vehicles to get a paycheck. Working at a car dealership, yeah, everything would be different... Not only work, but life in general. I don't know any week that their isn't a spot filled in my personal garage with work of some kind needing done to it. 
I have been around vehicles my whole entire life working on them, driving them, cleaning them.... It is unreal how much our lives revolve around these things. People are saying now that the internet has changed the world and made it smaller, but vehicles came first. Before that would have been trains, but either way we look at it, it is ourselves that is trying to make the world smaller. We keep inventing ways to make the world smaller, and at some point we are going to have to take a step back to realize just how far we have come. There are companies out there that working on different ways to transport data into space. I mean how long will it be until we are teleporting ourselves and objects. If you ask me with how everything has exploded within the last century with technology, we might not see in soon, but I have no doubt that our children will discover it. So good luck to the future!


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