Just some Poetry

Did you hear that? 
The crack that busted through, it created such a deep hole. 
It has been broken before.
A hundred times by you.
This I fear is different because I can hear my love seeping through.
The waters are over flowing and spilling out.
Upon the ground it drains.
To your feet as you stare into the unknown.
It will not harm you, but you will feel it.
Will you ignore it or will you look to see my heart dying for you.
My pain is flowing out of this crack that you caused.
This is not the first time you created this hole, but this will be the last. 
Once it all spills there is no refilling of love this time.
I continue to pour it in just to watch it spill out onto the floor.
No more refills,
Just watch it ans walk away.

I wonder if you can feel it die.
I watched as it came crashing to the ground. 
There was no gliding or floating upon the breeze. 
It was so glorious when the sun glimmered on its wings.
But then the shadow came and threw it away.
I watched as it crashed quickly and unrelenting into the ground.
I wondered if your eyes might have seen it kill the world.
You continue on your way, walking right passed it.
Didn't you see it come flying right at you?
Didn't you feel it fall dead at your feet?
Sometimes I wonder what your eyes watch and what your heart feels.
One thing I do believe is that you are the one who shot down our love.
You walked right by it without giving it a second thought.
I know you won't admit it, but I know you could feel it.
I saw it in your eyes.
Something happened when it died. 
I cried and you did nothing.
Everything that you once felt.
Everything that I used to see left.
It was all taken away.
It died right before my eyes and quickly you buried it.
There was no time to mourn the love that we had.


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