Just Something Random

I hate sitting down and reading through the news and seeing horrible things. There is nothing worse though than seeing a child's picture because they were murdered. The worst part of that is not the fact that they are dead, it is the fact that their death was caused by those who were supposed to take care of them. More often than not nowadays I am seeing how all these adoptive parents are abusing and killing the children that they took in to be their own. I don't understand it.
First off the fact that they brought these children into their home to create a brighter future for these children. Adopting a child is having a child of your own. They are yours to love and provide for. They took the time to go through the entire process to gain adoption for these children, from which I'm told is a lot of time and money. HOW CAN THEY JUST DO THAT TO GAIN A CHILD TO ABUSE?
Second, how are these people allowed to adopt these children? What agency is just giving these children away to be abused. Not only should the parents be punished by the full extent of the law but so should the agency that placed that child. The agency that said 'Yes your home is safe and loving.' 
I am so beside myself with anger about this. Every week it is the same thing with these beautiful children and I sit back and look at mine wondering how people can do this sort of cruelty. I love my children beyond anything in this world, just as I can guarantee that any child I brought into my home as my child I would love them just the same. I have done this with my children's friends and other children who needed a loving home for a short period of time. I love children and to see them suffer breaks my heart beyond words. 
There should be stricter guidelines for children to be adopted, and yes I do understand that there are so many that need homes. However, if it didn't cost an arm and a leg to adopt these children who need homes maybe we could find better homes. Maybe instead of insisting that these 'parents' pay to adopt children that they prove that they are good parents and the agencies actually investigate these people. If I were able to I would probably adopt a child or two, but the way the world works I am unable financially. I have a hard time making ends meet with my own two children, but I do. I love them more than anything else in this world and they know that. I would do anything for them and to provide for them. They may not always have everything that have ever wanted but they have everything they ever need. Except the occasional oops we ran out of milk or toilet paper. (They have a lot of what they want, not because I bought it for them, but because I gave them something greater than money. They earn their money for the things they want. They understand that mom cannot provide everything so they work hard and gain the money that they desire for whatever it is they want to purchase. My daughter has bought herself several new phones and my son bought himself a Playstation 4 with money that they have earned on their own.) 
And to the parents that have taken in children that needed homes and provided for these children. You are among the greatest people in the world. You have provided and loved these children who needed you more than you will ever know. So I just want to say thank you for opening your home and your heart to those in need. 


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