Longer Lives

Last night I was doing a brief inquiry on life expectancy. Just one of those random things that pops into my head as I'm sitting there watching tv. I was just curious to see how the life expectancy of humans has grown over the years. In just the last 100 years it has nearly doubled. That means we are living twice as long as we were a hundred years ago. I did some math, and I am not a math person by any means, but as we progress in time the rate is getting faster as well. So we are aging quite well these days gaining years faster than humans have done before. No doubt it is because of the medicines and scientists (thank all of you). 
Just think about this for a moment though- In the next 100 years we (humans) could double once more our life expectancy. So think about this, right now the  normal life expectancy for a human is around 80 years of age, in a 100 years people could live to be 160 years old, if not longer.
It truly makes me wonder how far we will progress as humans as the life expectancy continues to grow. Scientist are not only giving us medicine that allows this but before how long will disease be non-existent, (I mean we finally found a cure for how many different ones so far. Once we find one for cancer, which I hope and believe is possible, nothing will be impossible then.) how long will it be before our bodies eventually give up. How far can we push ourselves to live?
Now think 1000 years into the future: What would life look like? I'm not talking technology, but us. How long will we live? How many of us will there be? Would there be new diseases? What would we all look like? (This will be a whole other topic altogether) 
This is your question for the day: What do you think the world would look like 1000 years from now, knowing where we came from in the past 1000 years, and how we have progress so far?


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