War Mental Issues

Of course, once again I was thinking about the mental issues of this country because of the war. It was then I realized that there was a slight, not a pattern, but common similarities with all those who have this problem. 

In general we are raised watching tv and playing video games. This is where most teenagers and adults alike have one thing in common we are all obsessed (unconsciously) with death. It is every where you look on tv, whether it is a show, or a game, or the news. We have all gotten so used to seeing death on tv that we don't realize what the real thing is like.

Then also drilled into our teenagers heads, just like mine was, go into the military because it is the best thing for you. It will help you pay for college, prepare you for the future. They define it as some great thing to do with your life. There is a possibility that you may have to go to war, but that thought is just in the background. While all these teenagers think that yeah, this is a great opportunity, however never truly understanding what lies ahead of them. Then they are forced into a war, to kill people. (There are those who sign up just to go to war without regret or remorse, and I can almost guarantee that these are not the people who suffer from a mental issue after the war, because they most likely had a mental issue before entering into the military. I might discuss these people at a different time.) All of these children are forced into a war because of 'our leaders and their issues'. They are no more than slaves to the men of power forced to do their bidding. 

Once these kids, just trying to make a future for themselves, get money for college, realize that war and killing is not what they were shown on tv and in the video games they break down mentally. Reality finally grips them and they are not prepared for it at all. 

So therefore, I believe that the media and the government is to blame for the mental issues from the war. 

On top of all that how many vets from Vietnam suffered from issues like this, but not specified as PTSD? A lot of them I believe because of the fact that they were drafted and forced to go to war. I think the government is brilliant in the fact that recruiting kids with the idea that their college will be paid for was a great way to dodge the fact that if a time of war came back (Think about it, if they were not offering college money to these kids, would they have called up a draft for this war? Nobody, well only those ones I mentioned earlier would have joined.) Especially after what happened with Vietnam. 

Nobody wants to go to war except the government. That is where they make there money controlling other countries. I already mentioned my issues with this countries britches.  


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