Thank You

Thank you all for the comments. I really appreciate them greatly and I hope to hear from more people. Keep sharing with your friends and I am glad to listen to other opinions of everything. I love to hear about what people think of certain subjects. 
In high school, not that I was considered an outcast, okay maybe I was, but I think it was more because I was silent. I was quiet and reserved all throughout school. It didn't matter what I was doing I always carried my notebook and wrote all the time. I wrote mostly poetry and tried to write songs with no music. (I have no musical ability whatsoever, but I love it! It is what gets me through everyday. Possibly another topic for another time.) One thing that I did observe throughout those years are other people. I never realized it then, but other than normal studies to pass my classes, I studied other humans in their day to day lives. This is what I think finally made me start writing stories, other than my characters started screaming at me wanting to be free. But my years of observing everyone made me watch their emotions more so than what they were truly doing. I watched, learned and listened. I love writing emotions more than any other action in this world. I once wrote a poem for a class project about addiction (which I didn't have one other than cigarettes), but this poem I wrote originally about love. I reread it and realized that I didn't have to do any work for this project, but perhaps change a word or two and it was finished. However, this poem was so spot on that my teacher pulled me aside and 'had a word' with me. She was so concerned that I had a true problem that she was ready to call my mother and send me to the guidance counselor. I love writing and expressing emotion above all else. Maybe I just had such a hard time conveying how I really felt to the world that writing my emotions saved me from imploding upon myself. I scared my mom with my writing and she 'had a word' with me as well after reading some of the poetry I had wrote. She is so proud of me now that I have finally published my first book. Although she said after reading the first couple pages that she couldn't believe that I killed off Devon's mother. She seemed to think that I wrote it in a sense that she had died, but that was not true at all. 
I originally got the idea for Inside My Scars from a song (thank you Disturbed). I listened to this song over and over again never really singling it out to listen to it alone. The words caught me off guard one day and he spoke of this girl that was taken, forsaken, when she was just little. I wondered what the life of this little girl really was. It was then that Devon really began speaking to me. It was the quickest, truest voice that cried out to me. She needed to have her story told. I would say that her story was the first that came to me, however it wasn't. Ashley spoke first, but Devon finished her story first. It took me seven years to finally publish it, but her story is out there.
Ashley, however, is continuing to cry out for me to tell her story. When I decided to start writing again (I went on a hiatus while getting divorced and finding myself) I opened up my book and realized that it needed rewritten. I am currently deciding on how to begin her story, but she started crying for more. Now I am stuck trying to continue her story into a fourth book yet her beginning needs to be retold. I have watched this girl grow from something innocent into something like a deity. 
Then there is Bree, wow, her story is something so completely raw. I began writing her story because of this theory I have on religion and I wanted a way to share it with the world. (This is not my religion. Just a theory of religion and how it has transformed throughout the ages.) Now I am watching her turn into a Goddess and bringing Heaven down for the end of days. Apollo's Light has been a dream of mine to complete because I feel that I have put so much into it. Some days I fear that her story will never be finished, yet there are other days where I fear that it won't amount to anything. 
Fear of failure is always there no matter what, but I guess so long as I don't give up or don't give into it I can't fail. So long as I finish the story and get it out there for the world to see then it was not a failure. I would have completed my goal.
So I wish all of my fellow writers the best of luck in their adventures.


  1. Good evening, very interesting topic upon the fear of failure: If i could briefly share my synopsis upon the matter, ("Failure is the mother of success." - Quote by Rap artist Pittbull.) It's taught in various cultures to fear failure and to fear messing up or mishaps, yet it's inevitable, failure is a major part of life that people should be taught to embrace instead of fearing it. My opinion is thus, It's better to learn from a mistake and to grown from it. that's how people evolve and become better. It's reaching that point to say, "Hey this isn't working, or hmm, this could be better, I realize why and I understand how to fix it and reach that potential of being greater.

    I mention this solely for the reason, I strive to be different, I strive to be the best human being that Marcus G. Monroe can be and the only way to achieve that is to fail however many times or attempts and to learn from each one and to say to myself, "I've learn a little bit more about me, and how to evolve to become the best person I can be. Be unafraid to fail, especially when you're pursing your dreams cause those mistakes or failures shall only refine you and make you stronger than before!

    Stay blessed dear friend.


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