To You

The world has become a brighter place for you.
No longer does the future look bleak with no promise.
You can look into the void and know somewhere, somehow everything will be fine.
I look at you and smile knowing now that you have become what I always knew you could be.
The darkness of the veil that covered your eyes to the darkness of the future, has been lifted.
For the first time, I think you finally see in yourself, what I knew was there the entire time.
Impressed with how far you have come in such a short amount of time,
But I knew it was there all along. 
You couldn't see yourself like I could.
Now when you look into the mirror, tell me what do you see?
Do you see the brilliance shining from within?
I saw it so long ago,
Before it was even imagined by your mind.
You are a wonderfully brilliant man,
I knew it from the beginning, even if no one else saw it.
Watching you grow into this being of excellence right before my eyes,
Is what most people strive for their entire lives.
I love you with every ounce of my being,
And to see the man I knew for so long,
Finally come out and show the world,
Is the greatest gift any woman could ask for.
I'm so proud of you.


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