Touchy Subject

It is odd don't you think, that we are so consumed by the fear of death that we intimately create different meanings for life, we strive to believe that there are ways to live forever, we search for a life after death. Truthfully, I fear death just as much as the next person. I write about my fears in hopes of overcoming them, but the fact of the matter is I wanted to kill off my main character in Approaching Fate in hopes to gain some idea of what it would be like to die. It was quite within my power to kill her off and let it go, but nope. I couldn't do that. I found a magnificent way to bring her back to live against her will. That is how I dealt with death. I refused to believe it.
Life and death are not so simple as to writing a line. Death is not something that you can just experience and say this isn't for me. It is the final stage in life one from which you may not return. Unless it is as some believe and you will be reincarnated as something or someone else. 
Death, I believe is the main reason for religion. Everyone wants to believe in something after death and religion give people that. It gives them a Heaven or Hell, a spiritual ending in the grand scheme of things. We want to be reborn or go to another realm. None of us want to face the fact that when we die, we die and there is nothing left, just bodies left to rot. 
I think this is my main reason for writing now, to find a meaning to life other than death, and to find another way around death, thus why my main characters do not die.
I could say more, like the studies that I just read about the brain activity continuing after the heart stops beating, but for right now I think this is enough to keep all of you thinking. 



  1. Greetings my friend and follow author, after reading this post I felt it was time for you to read this portion from the fourth book of deranged. I'll leave it below - stay blessed.

    Deranged: Volume four - Chapter thirty-eight : Memoirs from Death

    Chapter 38 –
    Memoirs from Death

    ‘I write this for clarification of who I am and my sole purpose, I’ve been loathed and feared for being as some say the ill-fated reaper or harbinger of souls. In all, I’m simply the usher to the afterlife. For none may enter life anew, without going through the door that is me. I also mention this since humanity tends to fear me; I was never intended to be, yet as the blood of Able seeped into the earth and his body lost warmth and color I was made as a cross way from the earth; this land of the living to where the two masters of soul’s dwell. I have a theory to as why humanity fears and dreads me so. My theory is thus, It is the fact you’re truly scared or worried whether you’ll transcend or descend.’

    Narrator/Witness: (At this moment, I notice an ironic coy grin formed upon Death’s lips as the spirit kept writing further.)

    ‘To be earnest I have no clue as of where I take you; that is up to the life you chose to live before I open the gateway to you, it is not my right to know. I only have the task of being in the presence and opening. Being in fright from the uncertainty of a new experience I can comprehend but ye, I direly mention unto you this, do not fear me, moreover fear the choices you make; For it is the actions, those rights and wrongs humanity commits that predestines your afterlife.’

    Narrator/Witness: (I begin to hear Death release an eminence sigh of relief, I politely ask to Death saying, “Is all well?” The spirit of Death replied, “Yes, I do feel better.” Death looked up to me and softly said, “Thank you for asking.” Still in shock from my own boldness I blurted out, “You are most certainly welcome, I never knew you could speak or write and have complex emotions.” “I had no clue either, but then after a while of living up to this servitude, I started to feel; I began to question myself why, when I’m not supposed to. I assume to some certainty I’m evolving.” Death stated.)


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