
Alright enough about all this controversial issues running through my mind. Today is just a blank canvas waiting for the words to splatter themselves all over this page. I am going to try to write something that will inspire us all. Something to comment on. Something to make some deep thoughts come to mind. I hope so anyway.

As we walk through out lives we are here because of the choices and directions made in the past. There are several who think back and wonder about these significant changes in our lives. The big moments are what they are worrying about, but what if it was something small; returning a phone call , going to a different place to eat,  or saying no when we should have said yes. People often wonder about the big things and yes those may seem like things that people would normally think about if something major happened to them. Just think back to a time when nothing seemed important about calling a friend back, or ignoring that call from a family member because you didn't have the time to. Would it have changed your life to take five minutes of your life to talk to them? Most of you probably can't even think of something so small, which is truly understandable.

Now think back to the big things. What if you said no or yes to someone asking you to the Prom? What if you did not get enough courage to ask the girl that you really wanted to go? What if she said yes? What would have happened to change your life if you said no? What if you chose to go to a different college or not to go at all? How would your life have changed? Think about a big moment in your life and the choice that you made. 

Here is my comment challenge for today:

Take your big life changing moment, change the outcome by a choice that you made. Think about the reactions that it would have your life today. Start with the moment and progress into the future. Would you be where you are today or would life have taken you somewhere else. This should just be a fun activity for everyone and I hope that it sparks the imagination in different ways. 


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