
So here is my biggest thought from the weekend. Well, maybe not the biggest, but the most random.
How many people actually go out and buy items that they see in commercials?

I sat and studied the commercials placed on one channel during an entire show. This show that was on was a man show so the commercials showed in this order: food, beer, food, random one like razors or cars, food, food, and beer, very randomly they would place one in there for another tv show that the network aired. I turned the channel and watched another show for an hour the commercials ran like so: food, jewelry, food, random, food, credit card, food, and food.
Almost every station that I turned to the main commercial shown was about food. (No wonder this country is over weight!) Yes, I have seen food commercials that made me want to try something new, but that didn't mean I got up off my couch to run to get it. But the nonsense of it is just irritating, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Taco Bell, Dominoes, are just the main ones, but then Subway slides in then Papa John's and Little Ceasers. Now as you read those you ran different commercials that they play through your mind didn't you.

But what I'm really wondering about are those random commercials about the cars, credit cards, jewelry, etc. How many people have actually saw a commercial for i.e. a piece of jewelry? Now, most of the commercials are directed towards men telling them to buy their significant other a necklace, ring or a bracelet. I don't know of any man that sits there and watches those that says to themselves: Maybe I'll go buy her that nice set of earrings or I'll buy her that necklace because she's my best friend.  One thing that they do not do is show those commercials  (for the jewelry) on the men channel's. (Yes, I watch men shows because I am a woman that loves old classic cars and shows)

So think about the last thing you bought because of a commercial... It was food wasn't it?


  1. The strategy of advertisements is very subtle. Suppose you go to the supermarket to buy a toothpaste. You see a dozen of brands lined in the shelf. Which one do you pick? You are most likely to pick a brand that you saw in the advertisement because you are familiar with it. That's how they persuade you to buy their products.


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