Dogs at the Supermarket

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to set a pack of dogs loose inside a supermarket? Perhaps not a pack of dogs, but some juvenile dogs (just out of the puppy phase, but not quite an adult). Just close the store for twenty four hours and let them run wild inside. Could you imagine the chaos that would ensue? More than that though, with how we imagine it, think about it through the dog's imagination. Everything is food, everything is a chew toy and there are no repercussions because you are with your pack. The deli I fear would be the first attacked. 

One thing that I can imagine though is, dogs like us have personalities, some wild and care free while others are more shy. I think that allowing a group of dogs into a supermarket for one full day we could truly watch the personalities inside of these animals. They would just be like us, if for some reason, we would get locked inside a supermarkets. I could imagine seeing the shy ones staying off to the side an waiting for someone to come back and pick them up. Others would run wild and care free. Just like people. If you were locked inside of a supermarket for an undetermined amount of time what would you do? The same exactly things as the dogs.

So just as a writing experiment: Take something that doesn't normally going into an environment and put it there for 24 hrs. What do you think would happen?


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