'Made of Scars' by Stone Sour

I wish that I had something to write about at the moment, but rather I am just contemplating a face.

It was his face that has embedded its way into my soul, has changed. It seems as though the brittle lines that once held it together had quite literally broken. Piece by piece the skin that was once as magnificent as white marble had broken down and became lost within all the hope he held inside. The last time I remember directly looking at him, the cracks within were slowly coming to the surface. Pain embedded itself so far within that when at the end there was no stopping it from exploding against the surface.
Eons ago his skin had been marble white with the blackest eyes I had ever seen. Then his entire being created such a fear inside of myself that I would rarely ever looked upon him. I stood my ground afraid of the pain that he would cause, but now I see that it affected him so much more. With each time we met, another line appeared cracking into the being that he truly was.
Black hair slowly began fading to white throughout the years. I had assumed that it was just his age that caused the change. After all it has been several thousand years since we had meet so cruelly. It wasn' until he had saved me from the bottomless pit that he confided in me about the truth of his own anguish.
Now as my eyes fall upon the pain that Apollo had forced upon him, I am left in awe. The glory of being a God has transformed Hades into something beyond darkness. The misery wore through his entire being resting once and for all upon the surface of his skin.
Unlike the torture that I has succumbed to here in Hell, changed my appearance, his broke through his entire being. Skin as dark as midnight burnt by the sulfur inside the coal dust. Accents of gold highlights etched the pain against his new layer of skin. His eyes were just as dark with no light wallowing through as though they absorbed the reflection of the world they saw.

If you know anyone who can draw him, please let me know. I want to see what a wonder he would be...

And for all of those who read this: it is just a rough draft of my mind wondering into the darkness and trying to create a face from nothing. The finished version will be placed in Apollo's Light, hopefully coming soon! I may try to send it to a publisher first, just because I believe this story deserves a try!


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