'Pig Society' by Dope

It is unreal the amount of time and money that people are willing to spend on "looking good". I'm just browsing through some of the Black Friday Deals online here while contemplating what to get people for Christmas... I click here and I click there getting me into women's fashion deals, because my daughter is into clothes... I click, click, and scroll down through some jackets then leggings. Now I find myself staring straight at a pair of bare buttocks shown through a butt lift underwear gizmo thing. I stopped scoffed for a moment and continued on scrolling. Then body shaping waist trainers (weren't these called corsets at one time?) started taking over the screen. Low and behold: the bra genie...

Women are so concerned nowadays with how they look in this or that, that they will literally do everything to get what they think men want. Big boobs, tiny waist, big ass butt.... Personally I would rather be fit.

Which, (random thought thrown in) I used to be... until, well, actually I think I really began putting it on when I stopped working at the hotel... yeah, those five plus miles a day I put on walking around from room to room really was nice. Here is a crappy thing.. I worked at the hotels then broke my foot which laid me up for a bit, then I got another job, which didn't involve walking. My butt is planted firmly in a chair for most of the time. I will admit I only put on 10 lbs, but man do they drive me crazy.

I understand finding the time to work out and become fit is a bit intense in this highly demanding world. I understand this to the point that 1) I have been trying to find the time; 2) I put it off quite regularly so that I can just sit and ease my mind (which is way more exhausted than my body on most days.) Now to my point: I think that instead of doing all these body enhancing surgeries plus the undergarments that remind me of years gone past like, years and years ago... that it would be better just to get in shape. I am hoping that there are more people out there that feel this way, because at the end of the day all those women have are themselves. If they have to do this and that to make themselves feel better than they should go see a doctor (Not a plastic surgeon kind of doctor, A mental doctor). Something is not quite right in their head as a result of the world at large saying that you must look this way, you must have that, no one will love you if you don't speak like this, bullcrap that is being forced into our minds everyday.

The sad thing is that we are doing this to ourselves. (Not me perhaps whereas I gave up caring a long time ago about what people think of my appearance. Do I care what I look like yes, but do I care what you think... Nope, not one bit. If I'm comfy, then I'm good. Will I wear jeans that cut off my circulation just because it "looks good"? Big ol'fat nope.) Society is pushing us to make us feel bad enough about ourselves to do everything just to look a certain way. I have seen so many different things about what celebrities look like without makeup... So what! They look just like the rest of us. Is that really so bad?

I will admit to a time or two that I would love to have my hair and makeup done by someone else so that I can have that celebrity awe about me, but for one good reason only. I just want to see what I look like. Not to say well I can look good with 40 lbs of makeup on. I'm not boasting in anyway or sort of fashion, but I have used my good looks for several things in this life; get my car inspected when it shouldn't pass, get discounts on things, the list goes on. I have been curious for quite sometime, just to see what I would look like with the 40 lbs of makeup, if I could hold my own against some of the most beautiful (makeup included) like those they publish in magazines... I'm just curious that is all.

So to all of the women out there who go out and make themselves into these 'barbie dolls' with the push-up bras, corsets, butt lifters, and 40 lbs of makeup: (Oh, I forgot about hair extensions) What do you get out of it? Every morning you are going to wake up and look in the mirror and hate what you see enough to spend 2 to 3 hours just dressing yourself up to go out into the world. There is no point into being something that you are not. Just be yourself for one day and see how people react. In the end when you go home with someone and you take off everything that you wore to enhance your body they are going to see the real you anyway. If they don't run away screaming, then what was the point to getting 'barbie dolled' up in the first place? When you wake up in the morning your make up isn't going to be perfect. Trust me the makeup stains that you left on the pillowcase isn't very attractive either.

So I will leave you all with that thought. I'm not sure where or how I was getting to any point except to say that it is ridiculous the things women go through to make themselves pretty.


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