Point of Random Thoughts

Honestly no random thoughts for today, at least not yet. Basically any extra thoughts that I have gotten inside my worrisome mind is going towards recreating Approaching Fate. Yet, I am still stuck on where to start it. Writer's Block is like some horrid sickness that you cannot take medicine to make it go away. 

I think I need a down day where I do nothing but sit allowing my brain to just relax. I need to zone out into possibly a book or movie, just something to give my mind some rest. I think that with everything going on it is over-functioning and lost on what to do. The worst thing is... when I get the best ideas I am working, then when I return home, get all my chores done for the day with a five minute break to sit down and get all these lines out of my mind, nothing comes out and when it does I reread it erase it. It isn't long before I lose all hope and just scrap everything. 

So I am definitely going to try to get some more random thoughts for all of you valuable readers. (and I don't say that lightly because I value all of you more than you know. Hopefully I can gain more viewers and get more comments.) So maybe this would be a great time to ask all of you, what would you like to hear a rant on? I started asking for your opinions on matters relating to what I write, however I am not getting any kind of response. 

I started this (asking for comments) because I would love to know what the world thinks about all these random thoughts. Another reason that I started is to help those out there not only with writer's block, but to get creative juices flowing. I am trying to get people to write, anything basically, get them out of their writing habits to see where this might take them. I'm not looking for long letters, just an occasional 'I never thought of that' or 'That is something different. It could be the start of a great story.' I'm just looking for random thoughts inspired by random thoughts.

Please I don't want to be left hanging, waiting for comments that I am never going to see. If you like what you read, give a shout out... Nothing wrong with saying just a little something. Also, don't be afraid to share this blog with your friends. What I am hoping for in the end is just a bunch of random writers (hopefully from all different kinds of backgrounds) getting into thoughtless, meaningless conversation about anything and everything. I am hoping to spark some awesome ideas, and receive some as well. We all have our opinions about something, and I want this to be a place where we can comment freely without being offended by the world outside. 

So what random thought would all of you like to read about tomorrow?


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