'The Shape' by Slipknot

Never once thought of this scenario, if that's what you would like to call it, until someone close to me brought it up while picking up my daughter from her friend's house. 

I know nearly everyone that reads this has watched those funnier than thou videos of cats trying, playing, or fitting into boxes. We think it is hilarious, otherwise we would no watch them and laugh hysterically. My cat had just had kittens and while she was pregnant she searched through every single nook and cranky in our house to find the 'perfect' spot to have those darling kittens. Each and every box was tested, including drawers, cupboards, baskets, etc. I know perfectly well why cats look for boxes, why they like boxes, its simple yet it eludes several people. (And yes, I do still enjoy watching those cat videos as much as you do.) They do it for protection because every angle is blocked except for one, just like other animals live in a den, cats do the same with what they are given. Eventually we had to move the kittens to a bigger box than the one she chose because kittens do not stay little forever (as much as we would all like them too!). Now they are screaming to get out, so we cut a doorway in allowing them to come out and enjoy... the rest of the bigger box we have provided for them... our house.

However, to my point of this, we are the same way. We pick on the cats, yet, we all have boxes that we live it. It may be bigger and more decorated, but it is still just a box. We call it a house, with a door and windows, but it is still just a fancy box.  We work in boxes (except those who work outside). We shop in boxes. If you want to just go one step further, we travel in boxes (with wheels of course), whether it be a car, truck, bus, train, or a boat (ok a box that floats). We move from one box to another box on a daily bases, yet no one laughs at us. So the next time you watch one of those videos, just think, I do that too!

And for those of you who don't laugh at this- boo you! It is smart and funny!


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