Today's Random Thought from the Top Comment Challenge Winner:

There's not much to say about me. I used to be a good student and nothing more. I had no big hobbies, didn't participate much in sports, no other talent. I just keep studying. That's why I almost broke down when I didn't get selected in the first attempt in pre-medical entrance test. And that's how I took up writing, to vent out my frustration.

I have a bad habit of helping others to an extent where I get myself in trouble sometimes. I don't expect any return favours, I just like the feeling I get when I help someone else. Maybe that's why a loner like me who thrives in solitude has managed to have a considerable number of friends.

I get immense pleasure when I help a stranger and that too secretly. No need of introduction, no familiarity, just a deed done which keeps the idea alive that God and good people still exist today...


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