Top Comment Challenge Winner- Marcus Monroe

Greetings to everyone who has the opportunity to view my meek words.

First I would like to thank Author M. Rose for featuring me on her personal blog page. I'm honored to work with such a talented and gifted author.

Second I'd like to thank her viewers for taking the time to read my collection of thoughts and thesis's.
Without further adu, I present two main subjects which goes hand in hand.
Subject number one: Mistakes are part of your progress.
Subject number two: Failure can be your greatest asset once you've learn from it.

I mention these subjects to expand and also enlighten your thoughts. 

If we look at Webster's definition of mistake which is:


noun: 1. An action or judgment that is misguided or wrong.

verb: 1. To be wrong about. 

Earnestly, I can agree with the mention of "an action or judgment that is misguided." Yet wrong is truly in the eyes of the beholder or either the parties involved with the action. I mention this to expand on the concept of, if one has committed a mistake and I'm excluding acts of violence and viciousness, evil and malice.(Even though, evil persons can change through the grace of God and they also can become successful and learn from their mistakes.) Yet if someone commits a mistake and they have the ability to realize their misjudgment and learn from that mistake then. They've acquired something so valuable which is, how to overcome and then succeed. Majority of the greatest successes in life are achieved through adversity and attempting again after countless mistakes are made. The only thing someone must do after a error or mistake has taken place is to ask themselves, "What must I do to turn this wrong into right?" Then promptly accomplish it.

Now, if we look at Webster's definition of failure which is :



1.lack of success

Yet I tend to view this slightly in a different way. It is not plainly the lack of success. Yet in truthfulness it is:  "When success hasn't been met." Now certainly one can ultimately give up, or quote on quote 'throw in the towel' and be defeated. Yet a failure simply exposes the roots of why, what, and how that success was missed. From that failed attempt the next true step to success is analyzing it and seeing the errors made. Then from seeing those errors with eyes wide open, the last step is learning from it and correcting whatever needs to be corrected.

Yet I know for a certain fact that majority of people from all walks of life stay in constant fear or worry of failing or making a mistake. Yet I find it more trivial that we all are human beings and failures and mistakes are bound to happen. Honestly I'm blessed to have learned and develop at a young age that mistakes are predestined within human kind. 

Yet the only difference from a failure to success is the willingness an individual has to learn and to try it over again. So the next time a mistake or failed attempt seizes your life in any manner, take a moment and see the lesson, of why it is failing; then you can clearly succeed. Since mistakes are only a part of your progress.

I'd like to share and support this song by the artist: Hodgy Beatz 

Thank you for reading my words.
O.A.B. representative and Author of 
Deranged: Volume 1

Marcus G. Monroe

(I would just like to add Marcus Monroe's websites here for those of you who would like to visit-


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    1. I praise Jesus and I certainly wish to thank you Author M. Rose for allowing me to be featured on your personal blog site. I wish you much success and I ask that you'll always be blessed.

      O.A.B. representative
      Marcus G. Monroe


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