Truly Random

One thing about this "new world" that we are evolving into that I don't understand is the whole 'gender revealing'. It was never as big as it is today. Yes, usually at a baby shower you would reveal the gender of the baby if you knew, but now people are throwing whole other parties just to reveal the gender of their baby. Me, personally, I don't understand the concept of it. 

Another thing that gets me about this whole gender revealing party is that everyone is so thrilled that they are having a boy or a girl, but these are also the same people that allow their children to become transgender. (I will state right here and now that I have no qualms with transgenders, it is their choice.) However, what I do disagree on is these people nowadays are allowing children to pick whichever gender they want at such a young age. Personally, I do not feel that this should be allowed. If you have a girl that likes to do boy stuff, so what... I did and I turned out just fine. Did I want to join the boy scouts because it seemed kewler than the girl scouts, Hell Yes I did. Boys always did the fun stuff. And if you son wants to play with dolls and do girly things so be it. Let him do it! It doesn't mean that he is a girl. 

Just as several other things in this world, I do not think children should be able to decide these things for themselves until they are old enough to truly understands what it means. A ten year old cannot have a true concept for the world and what it really means to change genders. I blame the parents for this problem with the world, they are giving their children too much. In a sense they are putting pressure on these children instead of just allowing them to be children. 

Like I mentioned, I have no qualms with transgenders, I just feel that it is a decision that should be made after you enter into adulthood. I don't think there should be a set age to make this decision, but a maturity level must be realized. These children should be allowed the chance to fully understand the choice that they are making. 

If given this choice at ten years old these children do not fully comprehend what is going on with their bodies. I have even seen news articles on parents allowing children as young as three making this decision. Seriously? How is that the child's choice? At three years old, a child will change their mind a thousand times on which food they like. This is a life decision and I feel that it is not a choice that should be allowed for children to make.

So back to the point of gender revealing parties... why would you throw a party if you are going to let your (Guide your child) into becoming a different person just a short few years into their life?

If you don't agree with this please... please I beg of you to help me understand why parents are allowing this.

Another thing that I would just like to add on to this is my point of view on where this will be heading in the years to come. I'm not speaking like ten or twenty, but a long ways off. I imagine the world becoming a place full of people who are asexual and just getting artificially inseminated whenever they want to have children. But I also see a world that people will be free to love whoever they want as well. Women and women, man and man, women and man. At some point in time I do not see there being any discrimination  against this and it will just be a normal thing. Just as I see the world becoming a gigantic melting pot leaving no one true race. I think I would like to see a world like that where no one is offended by others or who they are.


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