'Silly World' by Stone Sour

So I was wondering about the different diseases that are affecting children (mostly children, some adults) nowadays ie: ADHD, OCD, depression, autism, lactose intolerance, etc. With all of these "new" diseases out there, they are constantly searching for cures and/or treatments for all of them. My question to the world is: Do you think that the chemicals that we continue to put into our bodies overtime change us?

I know they are constantly saying don't do this when your pregnant or that... I'm thinking more long term. All the medicines that we take, all the chemicals that are in our foods, the air we breath is having a lasting effect on humanity. I'm sure someone has or is doing a study on it somewhere, but are we doing this to ourselves and our children? 

All the preservatives, artificial coloring, just all the additives that we put in food in general that was never done before. Then add in all the medicines that doctors prescribe, plus the ones we take OTC like Tylenol or Prevacid that some people take on a daily bases... would that not cause your body to react and change thus passing something on to the later generations? I don't even need to go into pollution, there is enough of that controversy going around, but add it into the list. Another thing that is completely different than a hundred years ago is the water. Not only is it polluted, but those who control our water systems add chemicals to it before sending through the pipes to our homes. On top of that even if we get 'bottled' water it isn't any different because those companies say they get fresh clean water, but they add stuff too. I can continue the list of chemical embodied in everything now, but I don't think that I could find an end to it. 

I'm not going to be hypocritical or anything because I sit there and read the label of food or drinks, and I partake in it because it tastes good. If you do read the labels I can guarantee there is going to be at least one to three things listed that you cannot pronounce or you don't even have a clue what it is. Then there might be those of you out there that know what everything is on that label and won't drink it. 

I'm not saying go completely organic with your lifestyle. That is your choice and I have nothing against those who chose to live organically, and good for them. However, it may be good for you, but the way this world works... organic and living naturally is expensive. But just sit and ponder over this...


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