Stronger, Better, More

Ok so the title is not a song title, rather it is lyrics and the song is called Wherein Lies Continue... but I would rather not have such a depressing title for such a wonderful, loving post. So I will just go with the words as they are singing in the background of my mind.

I hope everyone had a wonderful christmas full of love and family. Mine was absolutely wonderful because the best present I saw was everyone was happy and joyous. My presents brought tons of smiles and cheers to the faces of those I love, even though my daughter told me I was mean (in a good way). Her most prized gift was wrapped so well that it took her a while to dig into it. I'm talking bubble wrap and packing tape inside a box wrapped in packing tape, then wrapped in paper with packing tape holding it all together with a few bows and name tags. I decorated it very carefully and wrapped it even better. (I just realized how many times that I wrote wrap or conjunctions of wrap in two sentences. Isn't it amazing that this is the only time of year that we talk so much about wrap. Wow!)

My son got everything he wanted, except a tablet, which he has the money to buy anything his big heart desires at this point. I didn't get the tablet because he got a very, very nice guitar instead. Which he loves more than a tablet I think. He hasn't put it down since he got it! After taking it everywhere with him, I am quite sure that he is very happy with it.

I got my significant other a gift card, not because he is hard to buy for, but I know for a fact that what he really wants is far more expensive than I could afford. So I got him a gift card to put money towards what he truly wanted. So I am hoping I did good there. He might not have had a lot to unwrap christmas day, but he will sure have a fun time going to the store to pick up what he truly wants.

As for myself I got everything I could have ever wanted for this christmas. (I think I got rather spoiled with all the love that I had received throughout this holiday season.) There were smiling faces everywhere I looked and that was good enough for me. I did get a nice big pile of presents as well, but I was more concerned with the love that filled the house. 

And the number one thing: I was so happy to have was my significant other. Throughout the years things had been tough for both of us and last year we didn't even spend christmas together because of the trying times. So I cannot express how happy I was to actually truly spend this special day with the one that is most important to me (other than my children). I don't know what it is about him that I absolutely adore, (I have tried to explain this to him only to have the words fail me so many times) but since we were teenagers something has just pulled me towards him. Not only is he brilliant, sexy, loving, and just all around a great guy, he is something so much more now that he can actually realize what he is worth. I am so glad that throughout this past year, he faced his demons and beat them. This has been one of the most trying years of my life, and for that I have only strength to show for it. My family has grown so much in this past year and all for the better. I know now, that nothing could break us down or tear us apart. I'm not just talking about the two of us, but all four of us as a family. We are stronger, we are better, and nothing can stop us now!

From the great and wonderful Slipknot:
I won't control or restrain things I do not understand
They gave to me now I give to you the means to burn the thoughts I had


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