'Take Your Best Shot' by Dope

I have had so many random thoughts running wild in my minuscule brain over the weekend. I had taken the weekend off from almost all writing except to finish the end of Chapter 15 in Apollo's Light. Actually I had ended, began on 16 and then realized... it was all chapter 15 to begin with... that's why it is just a rough draft at this moment. I have sent the first half of the book to an editor... (thanks mom) to get reviewed and edited.

But... one of the random thoughts was on my Approaching Fate series. What I was truly pondering was the ends to so many different story lines. My idea was to continue the series (if you can call it that by the time I'm done) with branching off several endings to each book. Starting with the first one there will be two endings: 1) Ashley dies, thus ending that part and 2) She goes back in her fate, thus Approaching Fate: Pheonix. At the end of Approaching Fate she can thus go forward in two more different ways: creating two more books, thus at the end of those books she could split off once more. I fear that her story could never truly end, but it is a question as to if people would be interested in something like that for books. You can read each one or at the end you can just choose whichever way you want to go. I love to at the end of Approaching Fate book to leave Ashley with several options on how to continue her life. I think this would be a great idea that could continue to grow... Just wondering what everyone else might think about this?


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