Take Your Best Shot by Dope

Last night I had a very off the wall conversation, but after we talked about it for a while it all just clicked inside of my mind. All of it seemed so real inside of my mind that the What if's came through into something that could be considered a great story. It is a bit far fetched for my writing. It is entering into the science fiction realm that I had never ventured towards, but man, what a story it would be to tell that one. I wrote down everything that I could remember. Someday, I hope to come up with a great story with it. Basically all I have is a time line that it borders on, but if somehow, someway I can figure out how to add a story line to it... I could see the story going far into the unknown. What would be great is if it was a million dollar idea. I could see this idea being the background for a great story, whether it be a book or a movie.

I have wondered several hundred times whether or if I should consider starting to write screenplays. After all that is how these stories revolve around in my mind. I watch them as if they are movies, I listen to the conversations. I watch the backgrounds change and the story line continue as through it were a movie... 

Maybe that is what I should do. Take a course or two on how to write screenplays and maybe one day I'll be watching my stories instead of reading them. I know a lot of movies are now based on books, but there are so many good stories that were written just for the 'big screen'. 

So that is my random thought for the day... now I am off to research screenwriting and what that all entails. 


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