America The Pitiful 2

The first meme regarding politics I scrolled across today had to deal with the president and the government working on a way to fund this so-called wall he wishes to put up separating us from Mexico. I have several views on immigration and no matter which way you look at the problems this country has, a wall, no matter how big, small, thick or strong it will be, it will not fix anything. 

Thousands of people have always sought sanctuary here in the United States of America. That is one of the reasons we have such a diverse society here. It has made us who were are today. Most of are not just one (forgive me) breed. We are a mixture of different backgrounds. There are those who have more of a right in this country than any of us. Yes, I believe, like a lot of people that this land belongs to the Native Americans. 

The Europeans literally came in and took this country for their own. Which we have to accept, that is the history of this country. So as we became a country of our own, the men of our history fought to be free from tyrants (or so they say), but the truth of it is; The country we fought so hard to get away from is doing a lot better than we are. 

Sorry, I got a bit off subject there, but here is my point nearly every person, except those exceptional few, had immigrated here. This is a country of immigrants, made by immigrants for those who are being persecuted in their own lands for thousands of different reasons. This is supposed to be a free country, but we are not. We are locking up our borders against those who need it the most. 

This country does not need to close its borders to the world around it. We need to bring in people of diversity as we always have before. There are so many people around the world that are barely surviving and need to come here. There are people not only looking for a sanctuary, but they come in search of the American Dream. (Whatever that is.)

It has come to my attention, that while there are people looking to come into this country, many Americans are migrating to other countries. And it has actually been a subject brought up in my home. Not that we could ever afford to jump across the ocean and start over in a new world, but just the thought of finding a better government is a new dream for Americans.

Now as I stated, I am for a free country with open borders to all who wish to come here. I am also against certain circumstances that these immigrants get above us. If they wish to come here, they should most certainly fight for the right to live just like the rest of us. They should not get free benefits that we have as citizens. I believe that they should pay taxes and work like the rest of us. 

A lot of immigrants are given free benefits from the government, as well as no taxation. Some of them are given free grant money for businesses, education, etc, where people who have lived here all our lives cannot get. They are given free money with no need to repay any of it. 

I believe if these people come here, they should ultimately do everything we do. They should all have to get a job and provide for their family like everyone else. I do not believe that they should get access to money that we as citizens are forbidden to get. Especially since this country is in extreme debt. 

I do not believe in such things as illegal immigrants. (I know this might not fit well with all of you out there, but just open your mind slightly and read on...) If people want to come here for whatever reason they may have, they should be permitted. This condition relies on a lot of factors that should be considered as well. I believe these people should be permitted in the country under the circumstances they within one year they must have a job or going to school and show that they can provide for themselves. They should be monitored as if they were on probation. Show that they are trying to better themselves. 

Wait a minute, I know there are someone out there saying that the government doesn't have enough people to monitor these people... Ta Da: we create jobs for the American people. And how do we pay for this you ask... Ta Da: With all of these immigrants no longer receiving free benefits and paying taxes... we will have more money. (Now I don't want you to think that I am not allowing these people any kind of benefits, I am only suggesting that they should only be eligible for the same benefits that we Americans receive, nothing more nothing less.)

I know a lot of you are out there saying that the immigrants are taking our jobs away from us. The truth is they are not taking our jobs away from us because they will work cheaper than we will. I have seen what people say about them i.e. stealing a berry picking job for less than what any normal American would take. Ok, so yes they will work for less than us, and to be honest, that is okay with me. I will tell you why that is okay with me: They are working. Now, if they take those jobs and pay taxes like the rest of us, who are we to complain then? 

Another problem that we face with the immigrants' population growth is the crime rate. So my solution to that would herein lie with the monitoring system. Not only are they going to have to prove that they are willing to provide for themselves, but they must abide by the laws. Like I stated, they will be here based on a probation situation. Depending on their crime they should face deportation back to the country that they came from. Our country already has a problem with the growing prison population (which I will address in another post) so they will not face jail time, it will face immediate deportation.

There are those of you who might say, that we don't have enough jobs available in this country to support all these people, but the truth is we do if we look hard enough at our economy. Most of our country imports items from other countries, (and this is one thing I agree with President Trump on) we need to put a stop to it. We need to provide for ourselves as a country and not rely on others to provide for us. Tax everything coming into this country coming from overseas, that i agree with. Now as we cut back on our imports, more companies should spring up providing these items, thus creating more jobs.

(I only bring this up to make a point! I am not stating this so that we live like them in any sort of fashion!) Look at North Korea, it is a country that provides almost everything for their country with a little help from China. The reason I mention this is because it is a country living on its own. They provide almost everything for themselves, whereas we as a country bring in so much from the outside because it is cheaper. I think we should take a look at this for a moment.

Now, if we were to create these jobs that are being provided overseas for things we need, our economy will pick up. I.E.: Instead of making cell phones in China, then shipping them over here and selling them, we should create factories here and build them ourselves. The same could be said about clothes and many other items. If you walk into any store in the United States, you will find items with a very funny mark on them. MADE IN CHINA, there are other items that state they are made in other places in the world, but the fact is we are importing all these items. We are a country dependent on others. We need to face that fact and start making these items on our own.

Now here is where this goes hand in hand with immigration: We start providing for ourselves and we will create jobs, not only for them but for us as well. 

I am going to leave you all with those thoughts... 


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