America The Pitiful 3

I am not sure which one I want to discuss first our slacking society, or war against everything, or our governments want to control the world. Since I have lightly touched on the control of the world before I am going to leave that one out. I am going to try to touch on both of the other subjects, but if one becomes too lengthy I will write more about it later.

To start I am going to write today about our society that is slacking. Maybe slacking isn't the proper word, but it is all I can think of at the moment other than complete and total laziness. I see it a lot, and I am quite sure you see it as well. This doesn't only include the "privileged children", but they come from all walks of life. There are also several different types of "lazy" in the country and I hope to touch a bit on all of them. 

Believe it or not, but there are people out there that have learned to "play" the system. These are the people that I despise the most. This includes all the people that get government money to support themselves when they are perfectly capable of providing for themselves, but they are so lazy they refuse to work. They find backdoors into the system where they can get i.e. social security disability payments from the government and because the payments they receive are not enough they qualify and get food stamps and cash assistance and all different kinds of benefits from the government. This not only takes away from those who work and still fight to survive and it also takes from those people that actually need these benefits. 

I know of one entire family (I do not associate with them, but I know of them.) that the mother had five children and each one of them received disability payments from the government in the amount of $600 a month. This woman claimed that all of her children were sick in one form or another plus received this benefit herself, probably never worked a day in her life. All of these kids were quite able to work and go to school, but she allowed the government to believe they are not able to work. This family received not only $3600 a month in government payments, but tons of welfare assistance as well, plus free health care. This all because she didn't want to work, and she didn't want her kids to have to deal with the struggle of working either. This has created a whole society in itself. Not only has she done this to her children, but once others realized how to do this they did the same thing. I have seen this, and sometimes they are denied benefits. I have also seen where it has worked for other families though.

I could tell you all about these people, like a mother with three children to three different men (now remember this), but she is unable to work. She quit school, never accomplished anything in her life because she is too scared to face the world. This girl claims to have social anxiety, meaning she is completely unable to socialize with the world. Now she has three children, to three different men... HOW THE HELL DOES SHE HAVE SOCIAL ANXIETY!!!! Not only is she receiving these benefits, but the remaining children she has living with her is on these benefits now as well. 

There are also those people who receive these benefits and "work under the table" as well. So not only are they working, not paying taxes because they receive cash payments, but they continue to get their check from the government. Perhaps, these people aren't lazy per say under the guidelines that I foretold, but they are worth the mention here because they are stealing (in my eyes) money.

Another source of laziness growing in the country is those people who just refuse to work. I have seen them throughout my work history. Especially when I worked in the hotel industry. The turnover rate there is unreal. I know that it is a hard, demanding job, but I have seen people work until they receive a paycheck and then just disappear. I have seen people call off constantly and basically only work when they feel like it. I have seen those people who do the bare minimum just to make sure the job gets done and barely done. These people take no pride in what they do. They want a quick paycheck to last them for a few weeks and then they run off to burn their money and once they need more money they will find another job and quit once they get a paycheck. 

They there are these young workers, that are not afraid of hard work, but they refuse to learn the job. Some people out there will bust their butt, and do everything ass-backward. You can give them a list and description both written and verbal, but they don't listen. You can watch them work, and they will work hard, but they refuse to do what you tell them. I'm not sure if they are just thick headed, or they just don't care.

Another type of worker is the non-showing worker. They get a job, but getting them to show up every day is work itself. They will work great for a few weeks and then all of a sudden each week they start missing a day here or a day there. Soon it is a couple of days a week, and if they don't get fired, which would take a miracle in itself, they would miss entire weeks.

I save the best for last, and sometimes if you are really unlucky, you get this plus one of the other types. These slackers are the ones that cannot put down their phone long enough to do any work. They lose their ability to put it down for more than five minutes and soon if you don't keep on top of them, they are lost inside of it. All companies, (including schools) should have a cell phone policy. Now I understand there are some jobs that require cell phones, but these are not the jobs I am speaking of. I am talking about the workers stuck, addicted,  to social media and texting. These people are completely unable to work because they cannot find it within themselves to disconnect and open up in the real world. 

I am finding that in a lot of aspects of the social media phase, people are unable to disconnect. I have watched videos of a 'staged' kidnapping. People walked over and took a child from a playground while his father sat staring aimlessly at his phone. Like seriously??? You just lost your child because you couldn't take your eyes away from your phone. The cell phone problem is a huge one, not only is it destroying our workforce, but it is destroying lives.

Our country is growing to be lazy. There are several other kinds of people in this world that I didn't mention here, but I'm sure this list could continue to grow, but I just had to list a few to get my point across. We are allowing our country to become lazy, non-working, cellphone waste. 

If I had my way, I wouldn't go to work every day, but I can't survive without it. If I could make a living doing what I absolutely loved, I would show up every day with a smile on my face ready to greet the world. My personal choice would be to sit every day for hours on end and write until my heart is content and get all my stories out to the world. The truth is, it isn't ever going to happen. (As you might have noticed, I don't even put adds up on my page, because the truth is: what is the point of making money like this?)

I guess the whole point of this is: How are we going to fix the economy with people like these? How are we going to fix the government with money sucks like these? This is a problem I have been pondering over for years. This is a problem that needs to be looked at. We need to fix this problem within our society, not only to help our government but ourselves as a whole country.


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