America the Pitiful

I have so many things rattling around in my tiny little noggin right now, but I guess the main one I want to write about today involves... the government.

Last night while scrolling down through Facebook, ugh... yes, while perfecting the ending to Apollo's Light, I randomly scroll, just to get my mind off of trivial matters of the world ending. Regardless I scrolled and scrolled and you wouldn't believe (maybe you would) how many memes are on there about this and that concerning how crappy the government is. There was a video about how American's are immigrating to Norway. (The odd thing about that, is the fact that I actually brought it up before about moving to Norway, and I absolutely hate the cold!!!) Here is the problem though, yes our government is crappy. We all complain about it, but rarely do you ever see anyone standing up against the government. No, instead we elect the same people with all the same principles to do the same thing next year.

I know it is a battle come election time, we must choose the less of two evils each time. No one is going to change anything. If by some miracle they are able to change something, there are going to be five different groups stating everything that is wrong with it. There is no winning in the government.

We look to these people to lead us, but rather they are only worrying about how to better themselves not the county. I saw one meme about some guy (I'll be honest, I don't know who it was or exactly what he does, but he was an elected official) the government pays him a salary making over 10x what I make, plus he gets all these payoffs from companies to lobby for them. So in total, this guy is bringing over somewhere around 5 million a year. What sense does this make???

I am a single mother who works full-time making more than minimum wage and I can tell you right now I can barely afford to live, and that is with help. Now to my point, I agree with all of these meme's saying how bad our economy is. Most of us are just getting through each week barely making it and we complain about all these elected officials getting rich off of big companies, and these big companies are getting rich off the government. It is a never-ending circle with us, little people, down in the dumps barely surviving.

My question is what can we do about all of this? What changes can we as the little people make to provide a better government for ourselves? I know a lot of people will tell me to vote, but the truth is I have never voted in my life, nor do I ever think I will unless things change. The way I see the voting thing is, my vote don't count. I get to pick between this person or that one, but who chose those people... The people already in the government, so they are going to pick someone who is going to help them, not us. We are just given the choice at the end of the election to pick which one is (as I already stated the lesser of two evils). Personally, I don't like any of them so I don't vote.

Here is where it gets really tricky... What do we have to do to change all of this? What are we the little people going to have to do to fix this broken government? We can rant and rave, creating meme's on Facebook, but it does nothing, it doesn't fix anything at all!!

I sit and listen to how this person in the government only works so many days in a row and then they take a two-week vacation. The point I'm getting at is these people are not only making 10x more than we do, but they are only working half or a quarter of the time we do. They can shut down the government, but they all still continue to get paid. There is no way that I could stop working and continue to get paid for it. I couldn't take off for three weeks and still get paid. I have to work every single day Mon-Fri 40 hours a week, for maybe 1 week of vacation time paid.

Another interesting fact that I just researched is... Politicians are required to get health insurance, like the rest of us, but... here is the real ass kicker: up to 72% of their insurance is paid for. So not only are these politicians paying for only 28% of their health insurance, but they make 10x more than us. There are those of us that don't have any health insurance because we cannot afford it. The price for health insurance for some people is more than it cost to house themselves.

So here we are stuck in this big loop that we are not able to break out of. The big companies (especially health care) pay our government (elected officials) to keep everything how they want. It doesn't matter how hard we try to push ourselves up through the ranks (in the political world as a common person) because at some point you will either be bought out by a company or you will be pushed back down. The government will only listen to the rich and the privileged while we are down here in the muck screaming for reprieve.

Not one politician I can guarantee has ever worried where their next meal might come from? None of them has ever been forced to live on food stamps to provide food for their family to eat. (And this is making more than minimum wage people!!!) None of them has ever been homeless, wandering around looking for any safe place to sleep at night.

None of them have ever had to succumb to the realization that one of the bills won't be paid this month because you got sick and had to pay a doctor's bill plus the cost for the prescription. Not only on top of the fact that you are sick and have i.e. pneumonia and you have to pay the medical bills because it is under your deductible, but you can't work. And in this economy, if you can't work you don't get paid. So not only are you forced to give the healthcare industry more money (because we all know that our health care system is the best priced around the world.) but we are giving them money we don't have because we can't work.

And you know what pisses me off even more, other than the fact that our government doesn't realize this because they are all their own breed is the fact that there is nothing we can do about it. The government literally controls everything. We need affordable health insurance for this country, but guess who controls the health insurance, the insurance companies of course, but who do we go to fight this, the only people we can go to is the government. Wherein lies our biggest problem, the government turns around and instead of figuring out a way to provide affordable health insurance for everyone, they turn around and demand that we get it or we are going to pay a fine. (Granted I am thankful that this was taken care of.) Guess who controls the government. (One clue it isn't us!!)

So we complain to our government that we need affordable health care because we are a country going into debt literally to the health care system. We are paying these outrages amounts of money to these companies just so we can survive just so they can turn around and pay the government. The government was never on our side. The health insurance companies went to them, paid whoever how much to come up with a solution to the problem. This person or group came up with the grand scheme they want health care for everyone, well let us demand that they all get it!! We will tell the healthcare insurance companies that they must provide coverage for anyone and everyone, but we won't give them any caps on prices they can charge whatever they want... So here we are giving more money to this healthcare industry, pouring hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars, and we are still suffering. We have outrages deductibles on top of our monthly fees, so we are basically paying them twice, for something I believe we shouldn't have to pay for.

How many other countries have better health care systems out there and they are provided for their people free of charge? Granted, they may pay more in taxes, but I bet those taxes don't amount to anything near the amount of health care insurance we are required by law to pay here.

I got way off my original topic, but... I guess that is what we need to do in order to start fixing our government, find a way to fix our health system. This ranges from not only the health insurance companies, but to the pharmaceutical companies, doctors, hospitals, anything that has to do with healthcare should have to answer to us, not the other way around.

I am going to finish, but this is just one issue bothering me about our government system. I am going to elaborate more on other issues with the government such as drugs, immigration, abortion, same-gender marriage, religion, minimum wage increase, etc. Feel free to comment with your suggestions on how we can fix our government...


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