Black Coma

                 The air escaped and refilled the lungs of the body containing my soul. I could feel a heart beating within my chest urging blood through the veins to keep this body alive. Sweet incense burnt my nose causing my stomach to churn. The intense white light from the other side of my eyelids forced them to close even tighter. Fists that were not my own clenched out of the sheer pain that coursed through my head.
                There was nothing else I could do to alleviate the throbbing in my head. Tears emerged leaving streams of burning salt water down my cheek. The fever of the body began coursing through causing more misery leaving me only to whimper against the pain. When the muscles within began contorting away from any normal movement I cried out in utter agony. I prayed for protection from the heat that compelled this body to reject my soul.
                Apollo’s words broke apart my mind as he started speaking. Covering my face to protect it from the light his words came stronger. “Please come save me from that which kills me. Please hear my prayers. Save me now in this time of dire need. I beg, of you my Goddess, come save me from this Hell that tortures me.”

                Undesirable screams went out around me as I found enough control to over this body to move it away from the light. Whether the shrieks were my own or those of someone else I wasn’t sure. They did not stop as the body contorted once more throwing itself off of whatever I had been lying on. The sudden stop which the floor brought did not harm me enough to top the pain already coursing through. My eyes shot open leaving nothing but a vision of white blocking my view of everything. Nails dug into the floor clawing my way away from everything.

Just a tid bit from a later chapter in Apollo's Light... Look for it soon!


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