
There is one thing I absolutely love about being an adult more so than anything else... I love the fact that I can put as much chocolate mix into my milk as I want. This came to me the other day (I don't drink much milk, and only if it has chocolate in it, will I drink it!) while I stared at the jumbo spoon overflowing with chocolate mix. It didn't take long to drown it down into the milk as I heaved another spoonful into the glass. I watched as it began falling blissfully and mixing in with the milk. Ever so slightly the color of the milk began to change from white to a light brown mixture. Knowing full well this was more than any normal person would put into the glass I jammed the spoon back into the chocolate mix to bring out one more oversize load and put it in as well. Quite happy with myself I then stirred and stirred into it all was exquisitely mixed to a dark chocolate swirling around.

I have done this several times when my family walks passed with the same familiar comment, "Do you want milk with that chocolate?" My answer still remains the same every time. There still isn't enough chocolate in it. I would be thrilled if I could drink straight chocolate and it quenches my thirst, but the truth of it is, it's too thick and it must be 'watered-down' so to say with milk.

Another bonus about being an adult... if I chose not to eat healthy it is on me, if I want to eat pizza rolls for breakfast I can do it. If I chose not to eat supper and dine on Reese cups all night I can do it. Granted, I do have children that must eat somewhat healthy, but there are times where (especially those hot, unrelenting evenings) we go out for ice cream for supper. 

I do not want everyone to think that I am a bad parent and feed my children nothing but junk food. I do make normal healthy food (which I do enjoy too), but the fact of it is; if I wish to eat unhealthy, I can do it. I'm not sitting at the dinner table staring at a hunk of uneatable salmon cake wondering how in the world I am supposed to eat that. Before I know it, I am smothering the poor meat with ketchup praying it will go down tasting like the condiment. I really hate those things, and really thankful that I do not have to sit at the table until it is gone. My poor children had to succumb to eating those nasty things at grandma's before, luckily Spongebob was extremely popular with them and my mom told them they were crabby patties. My poor babies... 

Either way, I am so thankful for being an adult and get to choose what goes into my stomach. What is everyone else thankful for since they have become an adult? 


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