One Fix

I have noticed something rather strange while continue to promote my book and gather some feedback on the next book that I hope to publish. People will gladly hit the like button on something just because it catches their eye. People have no problem clicking the hell out of that button, but when it comes to sharing it, that is rare. People have no problem sharing memes of this or that but they will not share anything that could advance someone else. There are people out there that will share chain messages that say they will prosper if they send it to 15 others. The truth is no one is going to come hand you money because you typed amen or shared this or that. These (most humankind) people believe this. They hope that just because they send this meme or this flashy dancing cartoon to fifteen people they are going to be blessed. (Wow, did this get way off subject, quite quickly!)

Either way I have found people will like things, but that doesn't mean they want to share it. They don't want to have to actually buy it. They just like the sound of it. They don't want to waste their money on something that they are unsure about so they just click like and go on with their lives. If I sold one book for each like that I have received, I'd be doing quite well. Life doesn't work like that.

I try to spend time each day to promote my book. Granted I do become discouraged and give up for a day because I look at the sales each day with nothing new. So I fear that no matter what I do to promote this book won't help. I feel like I've sold all that I'm going to sell and that's it. It is rather just a big bummer facing it each day.

Now for the kick in the ass as it were. I put up on just one or two places that I need beta readers for Apollo's Light and you would no believe the feedback that I have received. I actually had to pull down the posts because I was getting more than I had originally thought because of all my other troubles with promoting. Here is what I have discovered:

If you are willing to send out copies of your books for free: People will read them. So long as they don't have to click here or there or do any work other than to open an email, your story will be read. Now here is the real kick in the butt!!! I have posted a few books on and tried to promote them... guess what!!! NO ONE READS THEM!!! 

So I don't know how to proceed with this... If I could mail every single person I know a copy of my books I would, but guess what, I'm not rich. I can't afford to order copies of my own books... I scrap by every week trying to get to the next week. That is one of the reasons why I started doing this. I think I've got an idea up my sleeve... Be prepared world... I think I'm gonna get a grip on this promoting thing!!!


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