The Beautiful People

I happened to get in my car (as we all do on these dreary mornings) to come in to work and my radio (that I never turn down) started blaring out the last song I listened to. The song, nearly over, caught me off guard as I listened to the words. This is a song I have listened to several hundred times, and I sing along like nobody is listening, more or less screaming (because I can't sing, lol). I'm not sure what caused it, but I listened to each word, each syllable, and I realized something. I knew what this song was about from years gone past. I knew from the first time I listened to it, because it struck a cord inside of me (which ultimately made me listen to it one hundred million times), why people like me love this song. 

The cold hard guitar riffs are enough to scare anyone away, but mostly the people who the song was written for. This song has verses for those who understand them, but they are speaking out to a group of people, that I can almost guarantee have never listened to this song in their entire life. 

A lot of people, before even listening to this artist will write him off and say that he is not a true artist. They will say he only uses gimmicks to get people to like his music, but if you actually listen to his music you will find a deeper sense of meaning. He might of used gimmicks to get people's attention, and the raunchy style of music, but this man can write some beautiful songs. 

This song that I am talking about is called The Beautiful People. I know what you are all thinking, how can this be a work of magic?  How can you sit there and tell us that this song actually means something? But you know what, if you have ever been bullied, ever in your life, and you listen to this song, you will know exactly what it means. This is a hardcore look into life, and facing those who put you down. Telling all those people who put you down, that you are not going to take it. You are in a sense screaming back into their face, standing up for yourself. So yes, I believe this is a very powerful song that deserves to be put out there again in the face of all the bullying that is going on nowadays. 

This artist hit me hard when I was in high school because I not only like the style of music, but he spoke to me in a really weird awkward way that I understood. (Yes, I understand most people blame him for all that is bad in the world, but screw that, he taught us that we can stand up against the evil that puts us down.) He knew exactly what hurt us the most as teenagers, he knew the pain we felt, the depression we lived in each day, and he said to us that we need to stand up and be ourselves, face the world and tell them we are here. 

One thing I would also like to note in this, to all of you who may have written this man off as a weirdo, an outcast, a freak, he is a beautiful artist. You may dislike the way he looks, or you may even disagree with his religion, whatever reason you may find not to like this guy is fine... I don't care, but he is an artist. He has written some of the most exquisite lyrics and songs you will ever hear in this life time.

So before you cast him off and throw him away like the rest of us in this world, take a chance and listen to one of his songs. One I would most likely recommend to get the full effect of his abilities, and for those of you who don't like industrial rock, take a gander at
We Are Running To The Edge of The World

If that song doesn't reach in a grab you by the heart, I don't know what will. Thank you all for listening to my random thought... and for those of you who have never listened to The Beautiful People, take the time, here is a link


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