One Community

I am so glad that many of you enjoyed my last post. I hope that you all take my advice and care for our communities. These horrible acts of violence plaguing our country must be broken down and seen for what they truly are. They are not random but rather they are growing more and more prevalent. Searching for answers from the government is a way to go. They need to help us provide safer schools for our children to attend, but they are the government. The government can only do so much, go so far in doing what is right for us. As we have all seen, the government can make mistakes, take its time, and sometimes they can't help us at all. 
Yes, we need to urge our government to provide us protection, but if we have all learned one thing, the government does what it needs to regardless of how it affects us. So we do need to fight our battles with them, but right now we need to help those we love more.
Just the other day, a threat was placed on a bathroom stall at our local school, a school my children attend, a school that thousands of children attend. This threat said there would be a school shooting the very next day. Of course, the local law enforcement went straight away and the school remained on lockdown for hours. Children were not allowed to leave their classrooms for nearly two hours while police searched the school. 
The next day almost 500 children missed a day full of learning, providing them with necessary tools to give them a wonderful life. Yes, these children were robbed of their daily lives. They were trapped inside a cloak of fear, a fear that no child should know. A school is supposed to be a safe haven for all children. There are some children that desire to learn, as well as visit with their friends. Some children go there for food or safety from home. But the truth is, all children must go to school to learn and they should not have to fear it. Now, entering a school door in some instances could be a death trap. 
As another threat was found in the pool area threatening another shooting on Friday more and more children are frightened. More parents fear to send their children into the locked doors of a school. I as a parent also have a sense of fear sending my children, but I gave them a bit of advice: These threats are probably not real since the school shooting they constantly hear about in the news. The random (I say that lightly) school shootings, there were no threats beforehand. There may have been signs, but none of those children went around the schools and paste graffiti they were going to shoot up the school. 
These children who feel so threatened as to do nothing but kill the lives of others, will not leave lonely little notes around to scare those they wish to harm. These children are cunning, thoughtful, thus it is harder to discover their ploys. So as much as I wish to say we can find these children and fix them, I believe it will be harder to find them than it would be to fix them.

Now, since I have gotten that off my chest, I think we should think about fixing our problems. In each of these cases, either these poor children are plain maniacs, while others felt this was their only choice. We cannot let these poor things think this is the only choice they have left, to leave the world full of violence. 
I am a child stuck in the horrible generation which started all of this with the Columbine Massacre. I remember those feelings echoing through my soul that day watching the tv. Sadness, gloom, depression, unwavering distrust in the world filled me learning about what happened there. Each time I see another school shooting, I am reminded of those feelings. Not long before Columbine, there was an innocent girl killed in our local community. A girl, I befriended on many occasions, who sat at the same lunch table as myself and friends. I hate to admit, but I also had one chance to meet the main person who murdered her. I wish I could say we all knew when we met she was a killer, but the truth is... no one would know she could tear our community apart with her bare hands. 
My point in all of this, we do not know the true intentions of those around us. We can surround our schools with guns, bars, and locked doors. But with the enemy still inside, not knowing who it is, it more dangerous. The fear spreads leading them to become more and more outcasted by those who could help them. The fear will spread throughout the school leaving more and more people to only socialize with those they know. These kindred spirit wishing to save their own souls will push away any and all who are not like them. 
Which will only have one end... a similar end which we have seen time and time again on our tv screen. If we continue to allow our fear to spread, to engulf our beings, we will only see more until it becomes natural. We must encourage ourselves to learn. We must learn to love those around us. We need to care for our children's minds and our community. 
In order to fight this threat growing in the minds of our children, we must create a community, a school that all children will feel accepted in. We must provide clubs, groups, activities for all of our children to participate in. Do not single children out away from the others. Instead invite all, welcome all, the happy and the dejected to join together. Please, I know what you all may think, but the more we cast others aside, the more their mind wanders to unspeakable things.
So I beg of you all, bring your minds to a place of acceptance and love. Join everyone together in your community and celebrate life and love. Join together and find a similar ground for all children to get along. Please, take care of your community, show your love for those who are still alive.


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