Our Little Worlds

In light of the recent school violence around the county, mainly the threats that are being found at the local school where my own children attend, I have to write about my views on the subject. There are those of you out there who may not agree with me, and there are some that will, I, however, don't care. I still must state my opinion on the matter. 
My facebook is covered in political points, family points, gun points, school points, but none of that truly matters. Everyone is pointing the finger at someone or something else, the problem is the guns, the kids, the society we live in, blah blah blah. The problem is the whole thing. It is all of the problems combined and the sooner that people realize this, the sooner we can fix it. Yes, we need to be able to keep the guns out of children's hands. Yes, we need to fix our children's minds. Yes, we need to fix the society we live in. 
I am tired of people saying we need to do this and it will all be fixed. It is not just one thing wrong with this country. There are a thousand things wrong with this country and not just one person can stand up to fix them all. I will not sit here and demand that the president fix this. The only people who can change the outcome of the world is us. We are the present, our children are our future and we had better realize this before it is too late. 
Yes, there are bad people in the world, and there always will be. Can we weed them all out before they all do something insane? No, I do not believe we can because these people will find a way. The saying will always stand: Where there is a will, there is always a way. Thus, the many memes about Timothy McVey. There are children out there, right now, scared and afraid, bullied and suicidal, abused and oppressed, happy and chipper. We cannot put them all in separate categories because the truth of it is: Just one person in high school can fit into every single group listed. I've seen it, felt it, lived it as so have my children. (Hoping not so much for the suicidal part.) But I know what these children go through every day dealing with bullies, but yet happy and content to be themselves. 
Do we need to fix this: BY EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD: YES! But in order to do that, we as a people need to come together, instead of fighting each other about which is the best way to fix this. One solution does not solve thousands of problems. It is nice to think about such resolutions, but it won't work. Just stricter gun laws will not help. Just fixing our broken students, will not work. Fining parents because their children are bullies will not work. Arming our teachers, and placing armed guards at every school will not work. 
We need to come together as a country divided and stand against violence against our children. We need to fix our problems one by one. Address them one by one, in order to see results. But where do we start? We all can't just go running to Washington D.C. and demand better gun laws or better mental health care for our children. Nothing will get done if we are all standing there protesting. So do you know where to start?
Look away from your phone, laptop, computer, tablet, whatever you may be reading this on. Look at the person right next to you. Look at your children, sitting there engrossed in their phones. That is where you start. I want you to stop reading right now, go to them, hug them and tell them how much you love them. I don't care if you are fighting with them, or if you just hugged them two seconds ago. I want you to put this down, hug them and tell them how much they mean to you. Don't worry, this will not go away while you are gone. Your phone, your internet will still be right here when you return. 


A little bit of love can go a long way. But what I want you all to truly understand, in order to fix this world, we must start with ours. There is this whole big world out there that we are so concerned about, that sometimes we forget our real world, the one we are truly living in, is our family, our friends, the community we live in. We need to pay attention to "our own little worlds" before we can truly start worrying about the "big picture". Our love starts at home, where our families are. Extend that out to where you work, you hang out with your friends. Then once more as you go out into the world to shop or eat, whatever you may do out there in your community. Take the love, the caring, the compassion and spread it. 
I am not saying go out and hug your waitress but instead show kindness. Show the world you care about your community. Show initiative that you want a better future, volunteer at your local school, so long as you have the time, just get involved somehow. In order to strengthen our world, we must start learning how to show compassion. We don't do that a whole lot as a group. That is one place on where to start.
These people doing these awful things in the world, I'm sorry to say that they will not stop. There will always be wars and killers, just plain dreadful people in this world, but you can decide not to be one of those people. In order to help stop some of these people, just a single act of kindness can help sway their minds. There are those, that one single act might not help. These are the people, that need the most attention right now. That person you always see sitting alone, the child sulking by themselves, the one you always see but never seems to smile. These people, children, need our compassion right now. Instead of leaving them sitting by themselves, go over and at least say hi. If one person shows them one act of kindness once a day, it can help. If every day, (and I don't care if you don't like that person for whatever reason), you tell that person hello with a smile on your face, it will brighten their day.
Strengthen the world we live in, to create a better world to live in. 

I don't want you all to think I am against new gun laws or anything else out there that might help because these are bigger problems. Yes, these are problems and we cannot ignore them, but like I mentioned: Standing outside of one building isn't going to help that child sitting there alone, feeling like an outcast. Sitting there staring at this will not help the man right beside you gazing into his phone. 
We all have a part to play in this, and right now go out, get involved with your family, get involved with your community. Fix the world you are living in, to save the world we all live in. Every person lives in a community, and the next person could live in your community... let's fix our communities!

So many parents are concerned about things they cannot control within their children's schools, but how many are willing to get involved. How many of you are willing to make a better community for these children to grow up in? How many parents are willing to go to the schools and volunteer their time to help the children that may not be their own? How many students, that are reading this right now, said something nice to another fellow student? Instead of saying something mean, how about you do not say anything at all? If you don't like someone else's choice of what to wear for that day, don't worry about them. Just be nice!!!! The bullying needs to stop, and if you see it, you don't have to run to tell a teacher (unless it is absolutely necessary) but ask the person if they are ok. You might not like them, but just show them, someone can care. 

Keep this in mind as you go to school, work, wherever you may travel tomorrow, FIX OUR SMALL WORLD IN ORDER TO FIX THE WORLD AT LARGE.


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