Gun Safety Course Law?

I don't know who wrote this, but it is a very good point of view. I know I have been spreading the word about being kind and showing love, but I have also stated the fact that these people, no matter who they are will always do what they want regardless of how much we try to stop them. Even if we decide to spend the time and money to allow the government to take away all our gun rights, these people will still continue to find either a gun or another way to bring about mass murder. The truth, if they are determined to do it, they will find away. We have seen this time and time again in the past. People will make bombs, hijack planes, drive vehicles into crowded streets, etc. so the mayhem will never end.

So it is true, spreading kindness can help, but bad people will do bad things regardless. Here are somethings we need to look at in response to this: I do believe a psychology class or a mandatory mental health class (even if it is just a semester) should be provided to schools. That is not only for the "bad" people, but just for all the teenagers having a rough time. It should provide not only information on the different mental health diseases affecting the country, but it should give them information on who to contact. But.... Actually I'll make this a large BUT... We also have the issue if we do provide these courses, I believe our doctors would ultimately overwhelmed, so these children must also be aware of normal mental issues. Every person has anxiety, depression, or OCD to an extent. If these children seriously believe that they have an issue, that no one outside of themselves realizes they have, they must know where to seek help. Now, here another issue at hand. You can tell all these teenagers about these illnesses and they are going to rush to the doctor's and demand medicine because we just gave them all the symptoms... They can play it up, and bam, they are stuck on pills which I don't agree with one bit. So what do we do about those children sitting in the back of the classroom with their anxiety or depression and don't seek out help. They know there is something wrong with them, but they don't have it within themselves to get help.

Here may be another solution, (I think I may have heard this on the news or something):
At a certain age, perhaps when getting a driver's license teenagers must meet with a psychologist.
Another thing I believe might help with these situations, making it a law that if you are 18 and want to buy a gun, you must have a form filled out by a psychologist first... In order for any child to hunt in Pennsylvania, they must first take a hunting safety course, so why not apply something like that towards owning a gun. Yes, it is a right to have a gun in the country, but you have to first make sure that these people are mentally capable of handling a gun. People keep saying that you can join the army and they just hand you a gun. No, that is not true. In order for you to handle a gun in the army, not only to you have to go through training and conditioning (which is extremely mental), but you must first pass all these very rigorous background checks. So, no the government doesn't just hand all these young people guns. They are mentally shaped to be capable of handling that gun.

So maybe they should have a gun safety course that all gun users have to take before owning a weapon. This will not only slow down the availability for these young people to get guns, but it will be useful for everyone. I mean how often are there "accidental shootings" in the USA? I read a story where a man shot his daughter by accident... I mean we have to take a driver's safety course and two full tests before getting our driver's license. Why not apply the same thing for guns? After all, they are both just as deadly, correct? 

But just like driving, people are going to be stupid about it. How many people out there drive drunk? They have no respect for anyone else out there in the world when they do it. It is like giving a child a fully loaded weapon and just pray that they don't kill anyone. 

Anyone else with me for the government to pass a law requiring a gun safety course?


  1. I definitely believe that the American government need to be far stricter when it comes to gun control and run safety checks so yeah the gun safety course thing sounds like a good idea. What I fail to understand as a British person time and time again is why anybody would want to own a gun or allow their child to have a gun. I simply can't see why the American public are so quick to defend guns. The constitution was written hundreds of years ago, and not everything that happened back then applies to modern day circumstances. Also if you want to own a gun so badly, doesn't that say there might be something psychologically wrong with you in the first place to want to own a dangerous weapon?


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