Note to parents: END THE HATE!!!

"........" You must forgive me, those of you who care about the community, I must say something in response to unforgivable actions set forth by parents on Facebook. I have seen the cruelty that knows no bounds from parents this past week on our wonderful social media. Mostly mothers, have voiced their opinions to those who are more in need of our help. And to those mothers I must say this:

Are you serious? I know you. You are the same exact people who will complain about bullies being in school. You are the people who demand something be done to these children for simple threats. You are the ones who want these children locked away and to throw away the key. I want you to stop, right now. For one, these children making these threats come from your community. Two, what if you found out this was your child making these threats? What would you do to them, coddle them, ship them off to boot camp? Think about the options lying in front of you right now. 
These children need help, that is a certain aspect of all this, but think of the options they now have in front of them. If they are caught, which we all hope they will be, and I do believe they should be punished for the severity of their crimes, they should also be given some sort of mental health care. These children are acting out for reasons you don't completely understand. These are the children we live with everyday, the ones we are supposed to care about, don't feed them to the wolves just yet. Be caring, be nurturing, but we also must be strict as well. We need to show these children they have done wrong and punish them, but we also must accept the fact that there is something wrong with them. Whether they did this for a joke or just to watch people scramble, possibly these children are also scared. Maybe (I don't know who did this or why, but these are just possibilities) these children did this, just to see what action the school would take to protect their lives. Children act out in all sort of ways, some crave attention and they will take it in any form offered, even it is bad attention. 
Please parents who may have posted your anger on Facebook, I guarantee you, the children who wrote the threats will either absolutely not care that you posted anything, they will not look at it, nor do they care to look at it. These children who put threats around the school are passed the point they don't care what you might have to say. I'm sorry to say that, but putting your hate in the world will not help anyone, not even you. 
I read something today, that you as parents should read, because not only are you placing your hate out there for the world to see, but you are feeding our children full of it. Children do not learn to hate until they are taught. So to the parents who rather burn children's futures than give them a chance to straighten up their lives, you are the ones ruining our future. Please read this... and let it sink in...

Being rude is easy. It does not take any effort and is a sign of weakness and insecurity. Kindness shows great self-discipline and strong self-esteem. Being kind is not always easy when dealing with rude people. Kindness is a sign of a person who has done a lot of personal work and has come to a great self-understanding and wisdom. Choose to be kind over being right, and you'll be right every time because kindness is a sign of strength. -Attitude to Inspiration.

Now I understand, parents you are worried, you are afraid, and you have every right to be. But you must instead of showing hatred, show a little bit of compassion. I'm sure you've heard the saying, If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Well, I think that applies not only hear but in our lives as well. Teach our children that they don't have to like everyone because we aren't like that as people. I know better than most, we can't all just get along, but that doesn't mean you have to be crude and awful. You don't, you shouldn't go out of your way just to make people feel like crap, most of the time, they are already doing that to themselves. Teach your children better. They will respect no only you for it, but also everyone else. Our children, your children learn by example, and right now, you are not a very good example. You are teaching your children to be mean and to hate. Right now, you are telling your children it is okay to hate. Do you really want them to learn hate from the one who is suppose to love them? 
What I want you parents to do, each one of you that posted cruel and rude comments to the children who placed the threats in the school: Put down whatever device you are reading this on, get up off your butt, go and hug your children. Tell them you love them and tell them something nice about themselves. Got it, now go!

As for the rest of you, I apologize, but when reading posts on social media directed towards young people with such anger and hate a sound resonated through my mind. A sigh of deep regret echoed with a grunt from physical pain from keeping myself held in place when I wanted nothing more than to get up and go find these people, a scream of pure anger filled some space while sobbing for the pain they were causing. All of it sat right in the pit of my stomach, unable to physically do anything about it, I ran my hands down over my face and I wanted to cry for these people. They have so much hate in their souls, that it is being ricocheted out into the world, with no worry about it. We have to stop filling the world with so much hate.

I am tired of seeing posts on Facebook about how much people dislike others or wants to punch others in the face, or this one:

Seriously???? And people wonder why we are in such a pitiful state as this? Look at what you are sending out into the world? We need to stop forcing such hate into our children's lives. Show them you care!!! Take away their cell phones for a day and actually interact with them. They may cry and complain, but the truth is, someday they may thank you for it. I suggest every family does this, not only at dinner time but one day a week. Just everyone put down your phones, put your family first, and lets them see how the world changes. 
Quit sharing hateful, meaningless memes. Because really what is the point? To spread the hate, to teach our children how to hate then wonder why the world hates like they do? There are several things we can all do to fix this world, but it all starts with one person at a time. Realize how precious life is for a moment, and instead of using your time to fill the world with hate, just stop and look at your children, love them, show them you love them. Take a break from your phone and spend time with other people. 

I'm not saying that we all must post meaningful, love-filled, rainbow butterfly kitty posts, but just stop the hate-filled ones. Try that for a day and see how it feels. Do you remember a time, when your cellphone wasn't glued to your hand? Were you still filled with so much hate?
I understand cellphones, we all just want to be connected. It is a human trait we cannot deny. We want our information quickly, we want to connect immediately with everyone. I understand that. If something is wrong with my child I want my phone right there for them to know I am here for them. 

These phones are becoming something like a weapon. We are teaching our children the wrong way of thinking with these phones... They hide behind their phones, and suddenly the world opens up giving them freedom to say whatever they want to whoever they want. I am guilty of this myself (A very long time ago, stuck in a horrible place in my life. I used my phone to come out and speak terrible things to a certain person. Everything I said was the truth, but I shouldn't have said things like that. I did apologize to them, but if it wasn't for the safety of that phone, I would have never said things like that to the person's face. There was a time, believe it or not that I was so filled with hate, my sweat boiled nearly everyday, my face became a constant frown, and with a few choice words, love, I turned my life back to happiness.) 
Our children do not have the option to face their own bullies any more. They hid behind their phones and say some of the cruelest things I have ever heard- Trust me, my daughter is a teenager and the things I read from her phone is awful. Teenage girls are always hard to handle, but now we have given them a weapon to spout off anything they want to say and basically have no remorse whatsoever about it. I decided long ago, that I would never send a text or message with words I couldn't tell someone to their face. 

Those are my thoughts for today, I hope they were helpful to those who need it.
For those of you who do read this feel free to comment on anything if you wish. 
I am contemplating something for the future of this community I live in... Something helpful, meaningful... Something for our children... If you have any thoughts or idea to help improve your community please comment... I'm always open to new ideas. 


  1. May I ask what the trigger was for this long missive?

  2. Since the horrible school violence taking over our country, as well as the recent threats in our local schools, all I have seen from parents is nothing but hate. I am tired of the hate spreading. I think our children need to see love and compassion in these trying times, more so than hate.


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