Tomorrow Land

I sit here and constantly wonder to myself, how is this world going to change for the good? What can I do to help? How can I help the youth of today? How can I provide a better life for my children? These are regular thoughts creeping through my mind when I am not contemplating the plot lines in my books. (Well, besides, what am I going to make for supper that everyone will enjoy. Because we all know as mothers not only do we have to cook it, but no one else is going to help us decide. The answer is always the same, 'I don't know.')

Either way, I know I am not the only person in the world to worry about things like this. I often feel like the girl from Tomorrowland. If you haven't seen the movie, here is a link to check it out.
This is a great movie, setting aside the whole sci-fi side of it. It sends a wonderful message, yet I don't think many people either watched it, or got the hint from it. So here I am with my hand raised, wanting to ask, "Is there anything we can do to fix it?"

I am a writer, so this is the path I have taken. I am going to try and help using what I like to do. There are those out there who don't care to read this, but to those of you who are, thank you. I hope that you wish to do the same. But this isn't going to be easy. The world is really messed up and there are several ideas on how to fix it, but no one is willing to actually do anything. I mean yeah, some people are helping, but in order to fix this, nearly everyone is going to have to help. Everything stated in this whole speech is the truth. Now, because this speech was placed inside of a movie, everyone is just going to say, oh, nice speech and pass it off. Just like he said, we run towards the Apocalypse with gleeful abandon. Who ever wrote that speech, I applaud you. I think, perhaps, we should all listen to that speech once everyday, just to wake ourselves up.

We need to realize the world is heading for an iceberg and regardless we are continuing to steer towards it. We are degrading our youth, destroying our planet, people can barely survive in this world, while others literally walk around with crowns on their heads no caring about anything but themselves, (because, oddly enough this song just came on: 'Cause we all just wanna be big rock stars And live in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars: In case you didn't know that is Rockstar by Nickleback

Basically we are all just pushing for the "American Dream". To be rich and famous, but how about those people out there who just want something to eat or some shoes to cover their feet? The rich get richer and the poor suffer. Now, the rich get richer because of us, the middle class, the low income people. It is how society is structured and we are... addicted to entertainment. There is no easy way around it. We love music, movies, cellphones, sitcoms... so while we drown ourselves into watching famous shows such as The Big Bang Theory keep in mind: They make more during one episode than any of us could ever dream about. We love to dive right into entertainment, just to escape the reality we live in for half hour to what we now like to call binge watching... where we lose all track of time and consideration for life and literally allow a world to take us away from our own. (I am guilty of doing this as well. Mostly because I don't have the luxury of sitting down to watch anything during the week, plus I don't have HBO so when I get a chance to watch Game of Thrones, I rent it and have to binge watch it, in order to return it before I accumulate late fees.)

My Point: We are so consumed by removing ourselves from reality, even our cellphones act as a buffer from reality to fake... (Now let that sink in for a moment) We don't even realize how much we don't even react to life anymore. We pour ourselves into these devices and wonder why the world is going to crap. People complain about global warning, yet others say it isn't true, while others might say the world is flat and other state that it is round... The truth of it is: You can tell someone something it true, but it doesn't mean they have to believe it. Thus, you can tell everyone the world will end because of... but if they chose not to believe you, they won't until the time comes and the sun burns their skin off. Same thing applies to religion, you can tell someone the whole time they are growing up that there is a God and he will love you no matter what and most of the time, that person will believe you, unless something drastic changes their life causing them not to believe in such things. Now, if you give someone a choice throughout their life: You can believe in Hinduism, Christianity, or any other religion out there, now this is where life gets interesting because you give them a choice and they will research...

Either way, this is my point: We spend way too much on entertaining ourselves trying to forget our world is dying right before our eyes... We believe wholeheartedly what people tell us to believe. I think we need to stop everything for just a moment... step outside, look to the sky and ask yourself: Is it really worth it to waste my time ignoring that beautiful blue sky until it turns red and kills everything I love? I'm not saying don't enjoy entertainment, just don't let it rule you, until the world ends....

We are headed towards Tomorrowland, whether you want to believe it or not, so ask yourself; What kind of Tomorrowland do I want to live in?


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