New Approaching Fate

As dusk fell on Ashley's soon to be forgotten home, she saw quite a different vehicle parked in the driveway behind her foster parent's generic mini van. Coming up the winding stone driveway the brand new sports car shimmered in comparison to the world around it. Clearly this vehicle did not fit in the backwards country driveway, let alone the fact it didn't belong in this county. Ashley marveled at the shinny white car. She had never saw a Ferrari before, but she did recognize the horse emblem displayed in the middle of the back side of the car.

"Once again, I'm sorry for the intrusion. I wasn't aware of the situation." Mr. Bradford's voice once more graced Ashley's ear causing her to cringe at the horrid sound. Looking up to the porch, she saw underneath the glow of the light from the house, Mr. Bradford standing in the doorway. Quickly she ducked behind the car, grinding her knee into the gravel. Knowing she couldn't use her magic to appear inside the house with the possibility of an occupant being in every room, she searched for another source of escape. Hoping to avoid his sight, Ashley crawled towards the passenger side of the car. It was all for not as the grinding came back into her gut, "What are you doing?"

Trying to seem inconspicuous Ashley acted as if her boot had come untied. Glancing towards the porch she hoped at least one of her foster parents would be there to help remove the intruder, but the door had already been closed. Throwing her denim backpack back over her shoulder she finally looked at the man who made her shudder. She shot daggers through her eyes as she glared at him, "What is your problem?"

Mr. Bradford stepped back away from Ashley and raised his hands as if to surrender, "I came to talk to you and your, well, your parents."

"I don't have parents, so leave." Ashley turned around and started heading to the porch the opposite way of where Mr. Bradford stood.

"I know what you are." Once he spoke Ashley froze in her steps. Refusing to look back she could feel his eyes burning into the back of her head waiting for a response. She knew at once what he was talking about, but no one ever confronted her like this before. Unsure how to respond she found it necessary to force herself to leave without getting anymore information from him. Questions whirled through her mind, but if she would get any answers, they would not be from him. Something inside told her to stay far away from him and that's exactly what she planned to do. "I just want to talk to you. I don't think you understand the dan..."

Mr. Bradford's words faded into the night air as Ashley pulled the wooden door shut behind her. Just like her foster parents, she brushed his words off and continued on with her unpleasant evening. Entering the house didn't make it any better. The silence filling the house was unsettling. John, her foster father sat across the room in his blue recliner. She smiled at the sight of him leaned back with his hands held together on top of his bulging stomach. "Where is everyone?"

"Oh," John sat up in his chair causing his white hair to stand on end for a moment until the air settled around him, "Sylvia took them out snipe hunting."

"Snipe hunting huh? You might want to get your gun because I believe there is one standing out in the driveway."Ashley chuckled to herself, until the rapid thumping came on the oak door, "Never mind, he is on the porch."

John tilted his head towards the stairs, "I don't know what he wants, but he isn't going away till he gets it. Gun is in the cabinet."

"Bullets too?" Ashley questioned as she gave a quick smirk before turning around.

"No, the bullets are put up," He laughed, "But if he doesn't listen with a shotgun pointed at his face, then I will take over."

The demand on the door became louder as Ashley opened the cabinet below the stair way. Quickly she pulled out the largest gun she could see and took it straight to the door. With the turn of the knob she found Mr. Bradford knocking on nothing but air. Leaning against the gun a grin, the first smile she ever flashed his way came happily, "I am asking you politely to leave."

Mr. Bradford's posture rapidly changed with the gun pointed in his direction. A demanding tone came over his face as he took a hold of the barrel of the gun. Ashley looked towards John for help, but he had already started to climb out of the chair. Mr. Bradford forced the gun backwards as he stepped into the threshold of the house. An automatic response came through Ashley's muscles contorting her trigger finger. She closed her eyes as the rifle blasted back against her shoulder. Thunder roared around the room causing her ears to ring against the deafening sound.

The shot gun crashed against the floor and out of pure fear Ashley pictured herself back at the reservoir where she had been only an hour before. Collapsing on to the stone leading up to the water Ashley felt the full blow of it ripping into her legs. Salty water filled her eyes and fell out into the air. The amount of energy she spent trying to get away crippled her. Unable to move she laid there frozen on the large rocks as the moon started to rise above her. Only her lips were able to move in the darkness. "I killed him. It wasn't supposed to be loaded. I killed him."


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